“Following Jesus Together,” Friend, Feb. 2024, 20–21.
Following Jesus Together
Rocky T., age 7, Montana, USA
Natilee W., age 11, Indiana, USA
Leilani, Lyan, and Megan M., ages 6, 7, and 11, Michoacán, Mexico
“Surely the Lord Is in This Place,” Cambre K., age 11, New Mexico, USA
Erla X., age 9, Lower Saxony, Germany
“Choose the Right,” Faustino C., age 8, Buenos Aires, Argentina
I help my elderly neighbor who has a disability. When I see her bringing in bags of groceries, I help her carry them.
Bryan H., age 9, San José, Costa Rica
I’m not very good at sports and don’t like competitive games. I’ve been trying to have a good attitude when I lose.
Adelaide S., age 9, Georgia, USA
I was nervous to perform a dance with my homeschool friends. I prayed for help to be brave. We went on stage and performed the dance. I know Heavenly Father gave me courage and helped me.
Thoreau R., age 6, Nebraska, USA
I’m getting ready to be baptized next year and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Mateo C., age 7, Cortés, Honduras
I feel Jesus’s love for me when I sing my favorite hymn. I try to follow in His footsteps by loving and helping others.
Sophia A., age 7, Rondônia, Brazil
I’m trying to be like Jesus by playing with my brother.
Garrett N., age 8, California, USA