What Is It Like inside the Temple?
June 2024

“What Is It Like inside the Temple?” Friend, June 2024, 22.

Temple Cards

What Is It Like inside the Temple?

Page PDF with illustrations of temple

Illustrations by Rachel Erickson

Inside, the temple is a quiet, peaceful place. All around are beautiful paintings and places to sit and feel the Holy Ghost. There are rooms for different parts of temple worship, like a room with a baptism font and rooms for families to be sealed together. Prophets have promised that we can feel the Savior’s love inside His holy temples.

Hague Netherlands Temple

  • This was the first temple in the Netherlands.

  • Parts of the Netherlands are lower than the sea around the country. This means the temple is built 3 feet (1 m) below sea level.

  • It was built in the city of Zoetermeer, which means “sweet lake.”

Aba Nigeria Temple

  • This was the third temple built in Africa.

  • A bridge was built across the Ogbor River to help people get to the temple.

  • The day before the dedication, Church members celebrated by dancing and singing.
