I Can Serve Others
August 2024

“I Can Serve Others,” Friend, August 2024, 13.

Go and Do

I Can Serve Others

Like Nephi, you can go and do what the Lord has commanded. (See 1 Nephi 3:7.)

Jesus Christ served others, and you can too. Try one or two of the ideas below. Or write down your own idea!

  • Help someone clean.

  • Say a prayer for a person in need.

  • Tell someone what you like about them.

  • Share a toy or game.

  • Help a friend with something that is hard for them.

I help others by sweeping, stacking the chairs at church, and taking care of my baby brother.

Cumorah L., age 5, Sorsogon Province, Philippines

Story PDF

Illustration by Corey Egbert
