Conference Notes
November 2024

“Conference Notes,” Friend, November 2024, 6.

Conference Notes

Kites and Covenants

Dallin H. Oaks

President Oaks spoke about a boy and his father flying a kite. The boy asked if they could cut the string to let the kite fly higher. The father explained that cutting the string would make the kite fall. The string is like the covenants that connect us to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Keeping our covenants helps us come closer to them.

This teaches me:

The Stained-Glass Window

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Elder Uchtdorf was baptized 75 years ago! His testimony began as a boy in Germany. He can still remember the sacred feelings he had looking at a stained-glass window of Jesus Christ in their chapel. The Spirit bore witness to his mind and heart that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.

This teaches me:

Focused on Jesus

I. Raymond Egbo

Elder Egbo told about the Nigerian men’s football team for the 1996 Olympic Games. They didn’t have the most money or the best training. But they focused on their goal, ignored all other distractions, and won gold! When we ignore the distractions of the world and focus on Jesus Christ, we will also find success.

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Asking Questions

Tracy Y. Browning

Sister Browning said that until 1992, scientists thought Pluto was the edge of our solar system. But scientists continued to learn and ask questions. Now we know that there is so much to discover beyond Pluto! When we have questions, we can turn to Heavenly Father. Sincere gospel questions can help us learn and grow.

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Illustrations by Josh Talbot