“My Gospel Words,” Friend, January 2025, 6.
My Gospel Words
Look for these words and phrases in this issue of the Friend!
The First Vision
The First Vision was when Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ visited Joseph Smith after he prayed. He wanted to know which church to join. They told Joseph that he would help organize Jesus Christ’s true Church on the earth.
Sacred Grove
The Sacred Grove is where Joseph Smith had the First Vision. It was in the forest near Joseph’s home in Palmyra, New York, USA.
To restore something means to return it to the way it was before. The Restoration is what we call Jesus Christ bringing His true gospel back to the earth. The Restoration began when Joseph Smith had the First Vision. President Russell M. Nelson still receives revelation for the Church as our prophet. This means the Restoration continues today!
Revelation is how Heavenly Father talks to us. We receive revelation through the Holy Ghost. He can bring feelings to our heart and thoughts to our mind.
Illustrations by Maddie Baker