6 a.m. Missionary
June 2021

“6 a.m. Missionary,” For the Strength of Youth, June 2021, 6–7.

Come, Follow Me

6 a.m. Missionary

I was about to tell my friend why I had to stop messaging for the evening when the Spirit gave me a little nudge.

young man and young woman texting

Growing up, I always wanted to be a member missionary. I knew how important sharing the gospel with people not of our faith is. I even prayed for opportunities. However, none of the people I knew who weren’t members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were interested. That all changed when I entered high school and met Robbie.*

Robbie and I became friends when we performed in a musical at the community theater. After it was over, we stayed in touch and would occasionally hang out.

One evening we were messaging. Because of early-morning seminary the next morning, I needed to stop so I could go to sleep.

“Thanks for chatting, but I’ve got an early morning!” I sent the message.

“How early?” Robbie asked.

“5:30 a.m.” I replied. I wasn’t sure if I should explain why, but I felt a small nudge from the Spirit to share.

“I have early morning seminary at 6 a.m.,” I said. “It’s a class at my church where we study the scriptures and learn about God before school. I always feel really good after the class.”

Then, I felt another small nudge: “You should come sometime,” I said.

Robbie was excited when I explained what seminary was. “That sounds cool! I could bike there. Maybe I’ll come tomorrow.”

At first, I thought Robbie was kidding. But the next morning as my dad and I drove into the parking lot just before 6 a.m., there was Robbie waiting outside the church with his bicycle. I was shocked.

That day our class learned about temples as we studied the Old Testament. Robbie was fascinated through the entire lesson—he loved all the pictures and learning from all the students about the ways temples unite us with God and our families.

The teacher and other students welcomed Robbie even without any warning that he was coming. Robbie kept coming throughout the rest of the school year. He also came to a couple of youth activities. He made friends with the other youth in my ward and stake. At the end of the school year, Robbie came to the end-of-the-year seminary fireside with us.

That next summer my family moved to a different ward, but when school started again, Robbie kept going to seminary, and the entire class welcomed him back.

Robbie didn’t join the Church, but he always talked about his good experience with me when we would see each other later.

My experience inviting Robbie to seminary taught me that sharing the gospel doesn’t only mean inviting friends to meet with the missionaries. In fact, they may never join the Church. It can be as simple as sharing what’s going on in your life as a member of the Church. Then if that interests them, you can invite them to check it out.

If you’re looking for opportunities to share the gospel, try starting where you are and with what you’re already doing. There are so many simple ways to express your belief and testimony by sharing the things you do that bring you closer to Christ. Trust in the Spirit and He will help guide you along.

  • Name has been changed.
