In San Diego, USA
July 2021

“In San Diego, USA,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2021, 20–21.

How We Worship

In San Diego, USA

San Diego

Photographs from Getty Images

young man with pig

Hello! My name is Chace B. I am 14, and I live in San Diego. San Diego is at the southern end of the state of California, USA. The landscape is quite diverse. San Diego is home to ports, mesas, valleys, canyons, and hills. It’s usually pretty warm and sunny year-round.

Meet My Family

family at Christmas

My family and I live up in the mountains of San Diego. I live with my mom; my 10-year-old sister, Payslie; and my abuelito and abuelita (grandpa and grandma). We live on a farm with lots of animals. We try to live a very simple and old-fashioned lifestyle.

rainbow over a rural landscape

Making the Sacrament Special

young man

During COVID-19 quarantine, Sunday could become too casual at home on our couches and in our comfy clothes. I wanted to do something to make sure Sunday was special. I decided to make my family our own sacrament tray as one of my spiritual goals for the new Children and Youth program.

young man in workshop

First, I took a piece of wood and drilled holes in one half for cups. Then I carved out a tray on the other half for the bread. My abuelita helped me sand it until it was perfectly smooth. Then we attached a handle and sealed the wood.

homemade sacrament tray

The first Sunday we went to prepare the sacrament and couldn’t find the cups that fit the holes in the tray. We all looked for hours and hours for them. After a while I decided that with or without the perfect cups we were still going to partake of the sacrament. We weren’t going to let this stand in our way of keeping the Sabbath day holy.

That Sunday when we partook of the sacrament, it was with more stillness, intention, and reverence. I felt pleased with the goal I’d set and achieved. I know and could feel that my Heavenly Father was proud of me for my goal and the choices it involved.
