“Fun Stop,” For the Strength of Youth, Aug. 2021, 28–29.
Fun Stop
You Hold the Key
There is no way through this maze! At least, not without a key. And you’re lucky enough to have one—but only one. You may open only one of the locked doors in the entire maze. In addition, there’s only one door that, once opened, will let you through the rest of the maze successfully. So don’t be discouraged if you have to make the attempt more than once!
Illustrations by Josh Talbot
Caption Contest
Does this photo inspire your imagination? We sure hope so, because all it needs is a caption from you to be perfect! Send in your best punch lines (by September 15) to ftsoy@ChurchofJesusChrist.org. But first, be sure and read some favorite entries from the last contest (published in the October 2020 New Era).
“Hey! Get a grip on your lip. My joke wasn’t that funny!” Flo C., age 84
“When you wake up with a song in your head and you just can’t keep it inside.” Lilliana N.
“Mom: Did you brush your teeth, Wally? Me: ____________ (breathing).” Trace S.
“Explaining an inside joke to your parents be like …” Zachariah J.
“Wait, you swallowed Jonah!!!” Jaron B.
“I no longer want to be your dentist.” Clark B.
Hey, do you want to trade lockers?
Ryan Stoker
Why’d you even get him that thing?!
Val Chadwick Bagley