Personal Peace in Challenging Times
November 2021

“Personal Peace in Challenging Times,” For the Strength of Youth, Nov. 2021.

Sunday Morning Session

Personal Peace in Challenging Times


sunset at a bay with a pier

Peace in the world is not promised or assured until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. …

However, personal peace can be achieved despite the anger, contention, and division that blights and corrupts our world today. It has never been more important to seek personal peace. …

While we will never retreat from efforts to achieve universal peace, we have been assured that we can have personal peace as Christ teaches. This principle is set forth in the Doctrine and Covenants: “But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come” [Doctrine and Covenants 59:23].

What are some of the “works of righteousness” that will help us deal with disputations and lessen contention and find peace in this world? All of Christ’s teachings point in this direction. I will mention a few which I believe are particularly important.

First: Love God, Live His Commandments, and Forgive Everyone …

Second: Seek the Fruits of the Spirit …

Third: Exercise Agency to Choose Righteousness …

Fourth: Build Zion in Our Hearts and Homes …

Fifth: Follow the Current Admonitions of Our Prophet …

I testify and provide my personal Apostolic witness that Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the world, leads and guides His restored Church. His life and atoning mission are the true source of peace. He is the Prince of Peace.
