Courage to Follow Promptings
December 2021

“How can I have the courage to follow through with spiritual promptings?,” For the Strength of Youth, Dec. 2021.

Questions and Answers

“How can I have the courage to follow through with spiritual promptings?”

Real Intent

young man

“I feel courage through prayer. When I pray to my Heavenly Father with real intent in my heart, I know I have His Spirit with me. Through His Beloved Son, I know I’ll be blessed when I follow through with spiritual promptings.”

Agbonavbare Bright I., 19, Nigeria

Fasting and Acting

young man

“For me to have the courage to follow inspiration I receive, I pray to know if it’s really from the Lord. Then I make a commitment to follow the revelation, accompanied by lots of prayer and fasting.”

Obed M., 19, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Feeling Joy

young woman

“When I need courage to listen to promptings, I think of how happy it makes my Heavenly Father. And when I listen to promptings to serve others, I feel much happier and have a better day. Having faith in the Lord helps me have courage to follow through with spiritual promptings.”

Alyssa S., Utah, USA

Supportive Circle

young man

“If you surround yourself with people who support good decision making, it becomes easier to follow promptings. Have faith in the Lord’s plan. He wants things to turn out best for you.”

Charlie R., Alberta, Canada

Doing God’s Work

“I remember that spiritual promptings come from God and He only gives us good things to do. We have the power to help others come unto God—when we act upon promptings, we are doing God’s work. You never know what kind of impact you’ll have if you act upon a prompting!”

Sara S., 17, California, USA
