Fun Stop
January 2022

“Fun Stop,” For the Strength of Youth, Jan. 2022.

Fun Stop

Ways to Stay Connected

Meeting up face to face is a great way to connect with others. But we can’t always be in person. Here are some fun virtual activities worth considering this year to bridge the gap between your next get-togethers. Thanks to Sarah F. from California, USA, for sending these!

  1. Email a link to a coloring page, print it out at home, color it, and share a picture of it with the group text. Then write a fun note on the back and mail it to friend.

  2. Make a 10-second funny dance video and share it with the group.

  3. Hold a silly-face selfie contest.

  4. Cloud-watch for at least a few days before a virtual meet-up. Everyone take pictures of clouds that look like an object, then share the photos together and share what they think the clouds resemble.

  5. Hold an acts-of-service marathon. See how many acts of service each member of your youth group can do in a week, and then share your success stories.

  6. Trade favorite recipes. Show your creation over video, and then eat together.

  7. Have a picture scavenger hunt in the home. Make a list of 10 things you have to find in your home. The first person to text a picture of all 10 wins!

  8. Have a virtual costume contest with stuff already in your home. Vote on best, funniest, silliest, etc.

  9. Hold a compliment marathon. Share as many compliments about each other as you can during an evening or even longer stretch of time.

Do you have any more items you’d add to this list? Send them to ftsoy@ChurchofJesusChrist.org so we can share them with other youth.

Trust in the Lord with All Thine Heart

Draw something related to this year’s youth theme.

2022 youth theme

The Path to Goals

Have you set some personal development goals as part of Children and Youth for this year? Here’s a little practice at touching all four of the major goal areas. See if you can go through the maze by reaching all four checkpoints before getting to the center!

young woman

Illustration by Josh Talbot


father and son

Has anyone seen my tennis racket?

Val Chadwick Bagley

Solution to Maze

maze solution
