Sometimes I feel like nothing I do matters. How can I make a difference?
February 2022

“Sometimes I feel like nothing I do matters. How can I make a difference?,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2022.

Questions and Answers

“Sometimes I feel like nothing I do matters. How can I make a difference?”


young woman

“Whenever I do any service, I write it down on a small piece of paper and put it in a jar. Whenever I feel like I’m not important, I open the jar and read through all the amazing things I’ve done. This helps me remember that I made a difference in someone’s life, even if it was small.”

Alexandra M., 14, California, USA

More Like Christ

young woman

“In moments of doubt, I find refuge in Jesus Christ’s example. When we act and serve like Christ would, no matter how small, we’re showing our love to Him and Heavenly Father. This will bring us lasting peace and joy.”

Laura V., 18, Chile

Simple Service

young woman

“Keep being a positive influence for people around you. Sharing a simple gospel message or even just listening to someone can deeply touch their heart and make them happy. Our Heavenly Father will be happy too, and grateful to us for helping in His work.”

Daniela M., 15, Honduras

Tools in His Hands

young man

“It’s hard to see our impact sometimes. But when we set an example as followers of Jesus Christ and strive to keep our covenants, the Lord will bless us. We will be tools in His hands to reach the hearts of other people. We can make a change in someone else, even if we don’t realize it’s happening.”

José C., 14, England

Your Actions Matter

young woman

“Everything you do matters. I try my best to do everything with good intent and to follow in the footsteps of Christ. Whether it’s congratulating a teammate, comforting a sibling, or even greeting a neighbor, every little thing we do on this earth will help make a difference for the Lord’s great work!”

Savannah K., 14, Tennessee, USA

You Are Enough

“Your close family and friends can see that you are enough—and they know you best. Our Heavenly Father cares for you and loves you too. Know that you are His child and you are part of His plan. He knows you, and your efforts are important in His eyes.”

Matthew W., 14, California, USA

Heavenly Father Sees

“Heavenly Father knows your actions, thoughts, and intentions. Even if it feels like no one notices the good that you do, Heavenly Father and Jesus do, and you will receive blessings for it. As long as you are trying your best to choose the right, you have no need to worry or fear.”

Bella R., 14, Arizona, USA

Daily Superhero

“You can make a difference in the smallest ways, whether it’s sitting with a lonely kid at school, talking to someone, or sending an email to show someone you care. You may not see it right then, but I guarantee you will later. You could be the superhero in someone’s day or even make a new friend. I know that personally since I’ve experienced it myself.”

Ashlyn F., 16, Utah, USA

Small and Simple Things

“I find comfort in the prophet Alma’s words: “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass” (Alma 37:6). When I wonder what these small and simple things are, I pray to know the Lord’s will for me, and for help accomplishing His will. I have found that doing the small things has brought me closer to Him.”

Kaelen R., 18, New York, USA

Share a Smile

“I make a difference by trying to make someone smile. Even if it’s just one person, making them laugh, giving them a compliment, or even checking up on them can make a world of a difference.”

Megan B., California, USA
