The Patriarchs: Who They Were and Why It Matters
February 2022

“The Patriarchs: Who They Were and Why It Matters,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2022.

Monthly For the Strength of Youth Message, February 2022

Genesis 11–50

The Patriarchs

Who They Were and Why It Matters

Maybe you’ve heard of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We read about them often in the Book of Mormon and you will certainly hear more about them as you study the Old Testament this year. With so much attention paid to them, they must be pretty important, right? But you may be asking yourself, “Why do three men who lived thousands of years ago matter today?” Well, the key to that answer lies in the eternal covenants and promised blessings God gave them.



Illustrations by Jarom Vogel

Abraham was a great prophet. He was righteous and obedient to God’s commandments.

He was baptized, received the priesthood, and was sealed to his wife Sarah for eternity.

God made a covenant with Abraham that his posterity would be great and would have the same blessings he had received.

They would take the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the earth.



Isaac was the son of Abraham and Sarah.

God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham loved Isaac but chose to obey God. Just before Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, an angel told Abraham to stop. Abraham and Isaac’s willingness to obey God is symbolic of the Atonement of God’s Only Begotten Son.

Isaac was promised the same blessings as Abraham.



Just like his father and grandfather, Jacob was faithful to God.

Because of his faithfulness, the Lord changed Jacob’s name to Israel, which means “one who prevails with God” or “let God prevail” (see Bible Dictionary, “Israel”).

Jacob had 12 sons. These sons and their families became known as the tribes of Israel.

The covenant God made with Abraham was renewed with Jacob and his children.

The Patriarchs and You

As a member of the Church, you are part of the posterity of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The covenant they made with God applies to you!

You have the blessing and responsibility to bear your testimony of the Savior and share the gospel.

You are also called to invite everyone to make and keep covenants and receive priesthood ordinances. President Russell M. Nelson has said that this is all part of the gathering of Israel, which “is the most important thing taking place on earth today” (“Hope of Israel,” [worldwide youth devotional, June 3, 2018], 8, ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
