“How can I find ‘joy in the journey’ when it seems so hard?,” For the Strength of Youth, Apr. 2022.
Questions and Answers
“How can I find ‘joy in the journey’ when it seems so hard?”
Remember What Motivates You
“Sometimes it can be difficult to find motivation. To help us, we can remember what encourages us to move forward, such as our families and our personal and spiritual goals. We can gain the confidence that at some point the journey will get easier. Each of the obstacles we face will help us grow.”
Karime R., 17, Mexico
Testimony Brings Peace
“This past year I have relied heavily on my witness of the Book of Mormon and the restored Church. From a pandemic to the death of my father, I know God is there and has a plan. Knowing the gospel is true has helped me maintain a sense of peace while the storms of life whirl around me.”
Ethan G., 17, Utah, USA
Turn to Those You Trust
“We must trust God and Jesus Christ. We can feel joy, because They are always with us. They will help us to do what is right even if it is difficult. We all have difficulties, but we also have people we can count on to help us, like our parents and leaders.”
Caique O., 16, and Kaylane O., 14, Portugal
Remember Who You Are
“When I feel like I can’t go on, I stop and think about Heavenly Father’s greatness. Remembering that I am the daughter of such a powerful God helps me recognize my divine potential and encourages me to continue.”
Solene M., 15, Brazil
Find Strength in Daily Things
“We need to stay strong during hard times. Staying strong is difficult, but it gets easier when I am doing the daily things that really matter, like reading the scriptures and praying. When I have meaningful prayers, I feel strength and determination to do what is right.”
Emily H., 16, Canada
Follow the Spirit Each Day
“I sometimes ask myself this question too. But as we look to the Savior in everything we do, we can find joy and happiness in this life despite what we are going through. Learn to follow the Spirit’s voice each day, and you will find true joy in life.”
Pauline K., 17, Fiji