Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny
May 2022

“Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny,” For the Strength of Youth, May 2022.

Women’s Session

Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny


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The profound doctrine taught in the Young Women theme is important for young women, but it is applicable to all. …

… First, you are a beloved daughter. Nothing you do—or do not do—can change that. God loves you. …

The second truth is that we have heavenly parents, a father and a mother. …

The third truth in the opening paragraph of the Young Women theme is that we have “a divine nature.” This is intrinsic to who we are. It is spiritually “genetic,” inherited from our heavenly parents. …

The fourth truth is that we have an “eternal destiny.” …

… We are free to choose, but we cannot choose the consequences of not following the revealed path. …

When we sincerely repent, no spiritual scar remains, no matter what we have done, how serious it was, or how many times we repeated it. As often as we repent and seek forgiveness with real intent, we can be forgiven. …

… Strength comes through faith in Jesus Christ and by making sacred covenants.

… As we keep our covenants, we receive God’s power in our lives.

… Our Heavenly Father wants you to become His heir and receive all that He has. He cannot offer you more. He cannot promise you more. He loves you more than you know and wants you to be happy in this life and in the life to come.
