Your Body: A Priceless Gift
June 2022

“Your Body: A Priceless Gift,” For the Strength of Youth, June 2022.

Your Body: A Priceless Gift

young woman and young man in mountains

Wouldn’t it be cool if you had a shirt that could fix itself if you tore the fabric? Or a dinner table that could mend a break in one of its legs to be better than new?

Well, the human body can do all that and more! Nothing that mankind has created even comes close to how remarkable and useful the human body is.

images of a baby

As a child of God, you came to earth with a physical body. This body helps you learn, grow, and progress eternally. What a blessing!

young man and young woman riding bicycles
youth playing basketball
girl and dog on trampoline
people paddling canoes
young person shoveling snow
man with prosthesis running

From head to toe, no matter your shape or size, your body is fantastic and inspiring!

Your body is a gift from God, so it’s important to take care of it. Here are some tips for keeping your body strong and healthy:

fruits and vegetables

Keep the Word of Wisdom, including the direction to eat healthy foods.

boy exercising

Exercise regularly.

girls sitting on bench, talking

Pay attention to your emotions and moods. Find ways to relax and work through negative feelings, like going for a walk and talking with someone you trust.

young man sleeping

Get enough sleep.

people in front of a temple

When you care for your body, you show Heavenly Father that you’re grateful for His priceless gift to you. You also invite the Holy Ghost into your life.

And when you take care of your amazing body, it will help you enjoy so many other amazing things throughout your life!
