Why aren’t there miracles today like in the scriptures?
July 2022

“Why aren’t there miracles today like in the scriptures?” For the Strength of Youth, July 2022.

To the Point

Why aren’t there miracles today like in the scriptures?

blind man being healed by Jesus

The scriptures contain many accounts of miracles. Some are quite big and impressive, like parting the Red Sea or raising a person from the dead. But what about today? Do miracles still happen?

Yes, they do. We may not always hear about them, but miracles are still happening in people’s lives all the time.

Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has said: “Many of you have witnessed miracles, more than you realize. They may seem small. … But the magnitude does not distinguish a miracle, only that it came from God” (Apr. 2021 general conference [Liahona, May 2021, 110]).

Any help from God could be called a miracle. Many people experience miracles. Those people sometimes share their stories, but often they keep them sacred—between themselves and God.

And remember these two important things about miracles: (1) miracles come only as people have faith, and (2) miracles happen according to the Lord’s will and timing. We may not get to choose how or when, but the Lord’s miracles do happen, even today. Even for you.
