“In the Deaf Community,” For the Strength of Youth, Aug. 2022.
How We Worship
In the Deaf Community
Photograph from Getty Images
Meet Meg, Reagan, and Kate! They’ll teach us a little more about what it’s like to worship as members of the deaf community.
Hi, I’m Meg!
Photographs of Meg and her brother by Opal and Olive Photos
I’m 16 years old and the second oldest in a family of eight. Our lives changed when my youngest brother was born. He was born deaf. We started attending the deaf ward in our area, and it’s been different, but it’s also been an amazing blessing.
People might assume that everyone in a deaf ward is deaf or hard of hearing, but a lot of us aren’t. For example, some of the youth in our ward are hearing, but they have parents who are deaf or hard of hearing and have been using ASL their whole lives. You also don’t have to be an expert signer to come to our ASL ward, because we have interpreters.
Meg’s youngest brother, who was born deaf.
I got called to play piano in sacrament meeting for the deaf ward, and I love my calling. It’s unique because a lot of the members sign the hymns while I play. I love my ward, and I love the opportunity to learn more about my brother’s culture.
Hi, I’m Reagan!
I’m the oldest; I have four younger siblings. I’m the only deaf person in my family. My parents learned sign language after I was born, and I’m teaching my younger siblings how to sign. I think being deaf is a gift that has really benefited me. It’s taught me how to reach out to other people who might also feel different.
I’m a member of the ASL (American Sign Language) seminary council in the USA. We have 10 youth members across the country who represent deaf youth and help plan activities. We have virtual seminary and institute classes with students who are deaf or fluent in ASL. I even posted a video on social media inviting other youth to come to our seminary class. I’m so grateful I can use my talent of signing to invite people to come closer to Jesus Christ.
Reagan loves family, friends, and sports.
I’ve had lots of opportunities to serve because of the gift my Heavenly Father has given me to know ASL. For example, I get to teach deaf people who are not of our faith about the plan of salvation. I was able to teach a friend who thought she could never see her family member again after death. I’m not a missionary with a badge, but I can be a missionary 24/7. I can’t wait to serve an ASL mission.
You should never judge someone because they have a disability. They can still do things other people can do. Every person is a child of God. It doesn’t matter if they don’t have the same abilities as you.
Hi, I’m Kate!
My favorite part of being a deaf member of the Church is that sign language helps me to be able to express gospel concepts in a way I can’t in a spoken language, especially when I sign hymns. For example, when you sign the word Jesus you point to the palms of your hands, symbolic of the nails that pierced Jesus’s palms.
Kate signs the name Jesus.
I am the only hard-of-hearing person in my family, and we attend a hearing ward, but there are a few other deaf members in my ward. It’s really helpful when the other members make sure we are included. For example, if they choose to show a video in class or at an activity, it’s helpful to have captions on the video.
Over the years I have learned that Jesus understands all of our heartaches. Even though there may not be very many other people like me, Christ knows what I’m going through, and He is there to help me whenever I reach out to Him.