Reach Out and Look for the Good
September 2022

“Reach Out and Look for the Good,” For the Strength of Youth, Sept. 2022.

Life Help

Reach Out and Look for the Good

We’re all different, we’re all children of God, and that’s wonderful!

young woman looking at painting

Photograph from Getty Images

Imagine living in a world where every painting was painted only with blue, all food tasted the same, and every song had only a single note. I don’t know about you, but I think that would be extremely dull!

Differences in art, taste, and music make the world infinitely more interesting and beautiful. In the same way, people have distinctive backgrounds, beliefs, looks, nationalities, ethnicities, and experiences that make the world wonderful.

From a young age, I lived in Arabia, a largely Islamic part of the world, for many years. For part of that time, I attended boarding school in England. In both settings, Arabia and England, I encountered lots of different people. At first it could be hard to be around such a variety of people so unlike myself. But eventually, I learned through experience that most differences are good, even wonderful! My life has been enriched beyond measure by interacting with people of different cultures and beliefs in many parts of the world.

Here are some things I’ve learned that can help you respect and understand those who are different from you.

young woman and young man

Find the Good

Sometimes the good in people may not be immediately obvious, but it’s amazing how we find good when we look for it with love and compassion. As you do, your heart will be opened to learning from others.

It’s helpful to remember that people may act in ways you don’t understand because they have been hurt somehow. Nearly everyone feels vulnerable or is struggling with something. Maybe you feel this way too. When you understand this, it can be easier to find the good in others because you can better understand why people are the way they are. Then you can find ways to help and bless them.

young man listening

Actively Listen

The pathway to respect and understanding begins when we listen—really listen—to others. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are often quick to share the gospel, and that is a good thing! After all, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most glorious and eternal gift we can share. But sometimes we share our beliefs with others before we understand anything about them. We need to actively listen to others and learn from them. We can expand our understanding of—and appreciation for—everyone we meet.

young woman with hands in heart shape

Search for Common Ground

During a recent visit to the Arabian Gulf, I met many people who are very different from me. But as I got to know them, I found that our core beliefs are not dramatically different. I was inspired by our similarities.

One thing I found we share is a desire to help refugees who have been displaced and hurt by conflict. Finding that commonality was tremendous. I rejoiced in this and felt great love for the people I met.

Once we found common ground, we were able to talk about our differences, as well as our shared values, with a genuine interest in learning about each other. This experience reminded me that good people everywhere are trying to do good according to their beliefs.

young man riding bicylce

Be Observant

A great way to interact with others is to be observant and find some way to start a conversation. For example, if you notice someone has a great bike, say, “Wow, I like your bike!” and then ask them about it.

A simple question such as “How’s your day going?” can help you connect with someone. You might feel uncomfortable at first. It takes practice, but it’s fun once you’ve had some good experiences with it.


Look Outside Yourself

The Savior met many people from other cultures. He also reached out to those whom everyone else avoided. He went out of His way to encounter the sick and the outcast. He talked with them, and He healed them.

If we take His selfless approach, the world will be a much better place. Help others in big or small ways. Send a kind text, share a treat, include someone who is being left out by others. Kind deeds like these will help you connect with those around you. Amazingly, these actions make us feel better too.

Jesus Christ

Don’t Miss Out

The second great commandment is to “love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 22:39). Remember that we are all children of God. My worldview expands and I become better when I meet others—my neighbors—who are different from me. Don’t miss out on what you can learn from others.

If you reach out and learn to love and respect the differences of everyone around you, you’ll be astonished at how bright and wonderful the world can be.
