How do I keep my hopes up when I didn’t get the blessings I was hoping for?
October 2022

“How do I keep my hopes up when I didn’t get the blessings I was hoping for?,” For the Strength of Youth, Oct. 2022.

Questions and Answers

“How do I keep my hopes up when I didn’t get the blessings I was hoping for?”

Have Faith and Trust

“We can keep our hopes up by having faith and placing our trust in God. Even if we aren’t being blessed right now, we can obtain those blessings in time.”

Poerani S., 15, Tahiti

Pray for Comfort

“I can keep hope by praying sincerely for comfort from Heavenly Father. I can also read conference talks or testimonies from other people who have lived through similar situations, so I can see how they managed to stay hopeful.”

Heinarii S., 16, Tahiti

Focus on Jesus Christ

young man

“It is important to have hope, especially when that hope is focused on Jesus Christ. Sometimes the blessings we hope for don’t arrive when we want them to. When we have hope in the Lord—and not just in the blessings we want to receive from Him—we will receive even more than we hoped for.”

Nilton R., 19, Argentina

Keep an Eternal Perspective

young woman

“Sometimes, it’s sad and that’s okay. Look forward and keep an eternal perspective. It helps to keep a positive attitude. There was a time when I didn’t make the school basketball team and it was hard. But as the year went on, I realized that I would’ve had a harder time with basketball than without it. Look deeper and see the little blessings that can come from it.”

Candice N., 16, Utah, USA

Know That He Has a Plan

young man

“I keep my hopes up by knowing that Heavenly Father still loves me and blesses me in other ways. Before my brother passed away, I prayed that he would live, but I knew Heavenly Father had a different plan for him and me. Heavenly Father blessed me with peace, and I know I will see my brother again.”

Aaron P., 12, Utah, USA

God Gives Us What We Need

“It helps me to remember that God will give us what we need, not always what we want. We can see examples of people in the scriptures who were denied the blessings they thought they wanted but later received the blessings they truly needed—blessings that were just right for them.”

Maria B., 18, Uruguay
