A Framework for Personal Revelation—Excerpts
November 2022

“A Framework for Personal Revelation—Excerpts,” For the Strength of Youth, Nov. 2022.

A Framework for Personal Revelation


Renlund data-poster quote

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We need to understand the framework within which the Holy Ghost functions to provide personal revelation. …

The scriptures form the first element of this framework for personal revelation. Feasting on the words of Christ, as found in the scriptures, stimulates personal revelation. …

A second element of the framework is that we receive personal revelation only within our purview and not within the prerogative of others. …

… Doctrine, commandments, and revelations for the Church are the prerogative of the living prophet, who receives them from the Lord Jesus Christ. …

… Only the prophet receives revelation for the Church. …

Personal revelation rightly belongs to individuals. You can receive revelation, for example, about where to live, what career path to follow, or whom to marry. …

A third element of the framework is that personal revelation will be in harmony with the commandments of God and the covenants we have made with Him. …

When we ask for revelation about something for which God has already given clear direction, we open ourselves up to misinterpreting our feelings and hearing what we want to hear. …

The fourth element of the framework is to recognize what God has already revealed to you personally, while being open to further revelation from Him. …

… I know that the Holy Ghost can and will show you all things that you should do.
