My Amazing Bishop
February 2023

“My Amazing Bishop,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2023.

My Amazing Bishop

young woman playing organ

Illustrations by Kevin Fales

young woman

My bishop has helped me by encouraging me and giving me opportunities to strengthen my talents.

Knowing that I played the piano, he asked me one day if I wanted to learn how to play the organ. I had always thought it would be fun to learn, but my bishop was the one who really encouraged me to start. He helped me get in contact with the ward organist so she could help me get started, and it’s been going really well! Every time my bishop sees me practicing, he compliments me and asks about the next time I’ll be playing in sacrament meeting.

I know my bishop sees my potential, and I’m grateful for his constant encouragement. He has helped me learn and grow in ways I would not have been able to on my own.

Aubrey B., California, USA

young woman feeling sad
young woman

I was getting to know my new bishop when he said, “You said everything is fine, but something seems wrong.”

I explained that I was constantly behind in my coursework. I was depressed, lonely, and struggling with social anxiety.

“You are too hard on yourself,” he said. He taught me about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Savior’s patience and mercy. He also suggested that I talk to my parents and consider the possibility of therapy.

I started seeing a therapist. It didn’t solve everything at once. But because of my loving bishop, I got the help I needed.

Brenna H., Utah, USA
