How can I better feel the Spirit when I experience anxiety or nervousness?
February 2023

“How can I better feel the Spirit when I experience anxiety or nervousness?,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2023.

Questions and Answers

“How can I better feel the Spirit when I experience anxiety or nervousness?”

God Wants You to Be Happy

young woman

“Sometimes my anxiety is easy to handle and other times it won’t let me function. It’s important to find a way to calm down. Intrusive, anxious thoughts can overpower good, positive thoughts. But remember that God wants you to be happy, so listen to the good thoughts that come from Him. He can help you if you pray to Him for strength.”

Madi T., 19, Arkansas, USA

Find Support in God and Family

“Take a deep breath and remember that you’re not alone in feeling anxiety. Say a prayer asking Heavenly Father to help you. Talking to someone, like your parents, can also help. Find a support system of friends and family that will always be there.”

Jasmine D., 15, Washington, USA

Heavenly Father Sends Help

young woman

“When I’m anxious, I know that Heavenly Father understands what I’m feeling. He helps my friends recognize when I’m struggling with anxiety, and they have learned how to help me. I always have a prayer in my mind and Heavenly Father sends the Holy Ghost to help me feel comforted and more confident.”

Elsie J., 14, Idaho, USA

Clear Your Mind

young man

“Whenever I feel anxious or nervous, I pray to feel calm and to show the Lord that I need His support. Then I try to get my mind off those things that are making me anxious by singing hymns or listening to good music. This helps me to clear my mind, feel happier, and be more willing to follow the promptings I receive from the Spirit.”

Nathan M., 18, Utah, USA

You Are Never Alone

“I struggle with anxiety, and sometimes it’s really hard to feel the Spirit, talk to my Heavenly Father, and feel His love and guidance. Even though I struggle with anxiety and feel I am alone sometimes, I know I never am. Praying and reading the Book of Mormon help me. I know God is always there guiding us to His light and love.”

Cameron K., 12, Nevada, USA
