7 Hidden Benefits of Learning
April 2023

“7 Hidden Benefits of Learning,” For the Strength of Youth, Apr. 2023.

Life Help

7 Hidden Benefits of Learning

Lifelong learning has some major perks—some you might not even think of!


“Ugh! When will I ever need to use this math problem?” We’ve all been there. Whether it’s math, writing, or biology, we sometimes wonder if any of this stuff we work so hard to learn will help us later in life.

Most of us understand the connection between education and employment opportunities. However, when it comes to learning, some blessings arrive in ways we don’t expect. Here are a few lesser-known benefits of learning.

1. You can have more to talk about when you meet people.

This isn’t just about dropping trivia facts. The more you learn in life, the more ways you’ll have to connect with somebody new.

2. You can save money.

The more you know how to do, the less you may need to pay somebody else to do it for you.

3. You can serve others better.

If your friend is stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire, and you actually know how to replace or fix a flat tire, you’ll be their hero! President Russell M. Nelson once taught, “Education is the difference between wishing you could help other people and being able to help them.”1

4. Learning something new may lead to a life-enriching hobby.

Following a curiosity—like going to see how hand-blown glass is made—could end up becoming a rewarding new hobby for you. And hobbies are good for mental health!

5. Your life can have more variety.

When buying bread, you’re limited to what they sell at the store. But learn how to bake your own and you’ll never run out of new options to try!

6. The more you learn, the more you become like God.

See Doctrine and Covenants 93:36; Abraham 3:19.

7. You’re giving yourself a head start in the next life.

You can’t take your possessions with you after this life (see Alma 39:14). But the knowledge you’ve worked a lifetime for is yours to keep forever (see Doctrine and Covenants 130:19).
