Finding Personal Peace
May 2023

Finding Personal Peace



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Today I will speak on what I have learned about the miracle of finding personal peace, whatever our circumstances. …

I have learned at least five truths from [the] teaching of the Savior.

First, the gift of peace is given after we have the faith to keep His commandments. …

Second, the Holy Ghost will come and abide with us. …

Third, the Savior promises that as we keep our covenants, we can feel the love of the Father and the Son for each other and for us. …

Fourth, keeping the Lord’s commandments requires more than obedience. We are to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and soul. …

Fifth, it is clear that the Lord loved us enough to pay the price of our sins so that we can—through our faith in Him and our repentance, through the effects of His Atonement—have the gift of the peace that “passeth all understanding” [Philippians 4:7], in this life and with Him eternally. …

Members across the Church have felt the Lord’s gift of personal peace. He is encouraging everyone to help others have opportunities to come unto Him and qualify for that same peace themselves. They, in turn, will choose to seek inspiration to know how they can pass that gift along to others.

The rising generation will become the nurturers of the generation to follow. The multiplier effect will produce a miracle. It will spread and grow over time, and the Lord’s kingdom on earth will be prepared and ready to greet Him with shouts of hosanna. There will be peace on earth.
