Jesus Christ Is Relief
May 2023

Jesus Christ Is Relief



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Man with Palsy, by Eva Timothy

Each of us is carrying a metaphorical backpack. …

This metaphorical backpack is where we carry the burdens of living in a fallen world. Our burdens are like rocks in the backpack. …

I joyfully declare that our mortal burdens, these rocks in our figurative backpack, need not feel heavy.

Jesus Christ can lighten our load.

Jesus Christ can lift our burdens.

Jesus Christ provides a way for us to be relieved of the weight of sin.

Jesus Christ is our relief. …

So why do we insist on carrying our rocks alone? …

Brothers and sisters, I can’t go at it alone, and I don’t need to, and I won’t. …

Covenant keepers are blessed with the Savior’s relief. …

Repentance, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, is what relieves us of the weight of the rocks of sin. …

The Atonement of Jesus Christ also makes it possible for us to receive strength to forgive, which allows us to unload the weight we carry because of mistreatment by others.

So how does the Savior relieve us of the burdens of living in a fallen world with mortal bodies subject to grief and pain?

Often, He performs that kind of relief through us! …

Our covenantal blessing is to partner with Jesus Christ in providing relief, both temporal and spiritual, to all of God’s children. …

Brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ is relief. … The relief He offers is everlasting.
