Sunday Morning Session
My Mind Caught Hold upon This Thought of Jesus Christ
Focus on Joy, by Michael Malm
A remarkable story in the Book of Mormon tells of a young man, from a prominent family, named Alma, whom the scriptures describe as an idolatrous unbeliever. …
In his deep despair, he remembered being taught in his youth about “the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world” [Alma 36:17]. … As he appealed for the divine power of the Savior, something miraculous happened. … Suddenly he felt peace and light. …
Alma “caught hold upon” the truth of Jesus Christ. …
… Acting in faith on that truth, and by the power and grace of God, he was rescued from despair and filled with hope.
… Our minds have also “caught hold upon this thought” of Jesus Christ and His merciful sacrifice, and our souls have felt the light and joy that follow. …
… Our love for Him does not shield us from the sadness and sorrow in this mortal life, but it allows us to walk through the challenges with a strength far beyond our own. …
By focusing our attention on Jesus Christ, all else around us—while still present—is viewed through our love for Him. … As you continue to attentively catch hold of this thought of Jesus Christ, trust in Him, and keep His commandments, I promise you not only heavenly guidance but heavenly power—power that brings strength to your covenants, peace to your difficulties, and joy to your blessings.