How can I find friends who will also help me live the gospel?
June 2023

“How can I find friends who will also help me live the gospel?,” For the Strength of Youth, June 2023.

Questions and Answers

“How can I find friends who will also help me live the gospel?”

Pray and Seek

young man

“First, pray. Asking Heavenly Father for help is always a good first step. Next, put yourself in places where good people spend their time. When you are in uplifting places, you will meet good people. Lastly, be open to different kinds of people. You never know who Heavenly Father has in store for you to meet.”

Tate N., 14, South Carolina, USA

Share God’s Love

“You can start by treating others the way you want to be treated. Help them live the gospel and feel the Savior’s love. Your influence can help them do the same for you.”

Sadie M., 13, Utah, USA

Iron Sharpens Iron

young man

“Always live true to your standards, and the right people will be drawn to you. If your friends don’t live the same standards as you, remember that you can be a Christlike example to them. ‘Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend’ (Proverbs 27:17).”

Clark H., 16, Utah, USA

Invite and Have Courage

young woman

“Inviting people over to play games and eat food has helped me make new friends. I also talk to people at Church dances. I’m a little bit shy, so I usually stick with my group, but I’m glad I decided to have the courage to meet new people, even when it is awkward sometimes.”

Hannah P., 14, Hawaii, USA

Take the First Step

“Take the first step and say ‘hi’ to someone. You can invite them to your house. Sometimes I pray, and it helps me be more confident in case they don’t say yes.”

Anaya P., 12, Hawaii, USA

Look for Happy

young woman

“We must look to the standards of the Church. Become friends with those who are following God. Look for others who are happy and trying to live the gospel.”

Amelie P., 14, Brazil

Be Open about Your Beliefs

young woman

“My family moves pretty often, so I know how hard it can be to find new friends—especially friends who can help me live the gospel. I’ve learned to be open about what I believe in. Let others know who you are and what you stand for. The people you connect with may not be members of the Church, but they can still be great friends.”

Sophia N., 15, Philippines
