Beloved of God
September 2023

“Beloved of God,” For the Strength of Youth, Sept. 2023.

Come, Follow Me

1 Corinthians 11

Beloved of God

In God’s plan of happiness, every young woman and young man has divine purpose, each of you is beloved and needed.

Elder Gong with youth

Imagine what music would be like if every instrument sounded the same. What if every key on a piano played the same note or if every voice in a choir were identical? This would make music very boring!

Happily, musical instruments and choir voices differ in sound and tone. Keys across a piano offer many melodies, and choirs provide rich harmonies. French horns, tubas, violins, and drums each add a unique sound to the harmony of an orchestra.

Strengths and Gifts

As with music, Heavenly Father rejoices in the varied talents, personalities, and experiences of each of His children, each a beloved daughter or son. Whatever your circumstances, wherever you live among the nations, kindreds, and peoples, Heavenly Father celebrates your infinite potential, who you can become through obedience, grace, and love.

young man playing keyboard

With great love, He invites you to discover your divine identity and fulfill your divine purpose. He encourages you to develop your spiritual gifts, godly character, and immense possibilities. And He offers you daily opportunities to learn to see and serve those around you as Jesus Christ would.

In God’s divine plan, we come into this world through a mother and father. Families need both. Together, as equal partners, parents nurture and provide for their families. In our homes, fathers and husbands are to preside with gentleness, meekness, and love unfeigned—righteous qualities men and women need in all our relationships. Heaven weeps when, in any relationship, there is abuse, dominion, or compulsion of any kind, by men or women. Persuasion, long-suffering, kindness, and pure knowledge are Christlike qualities we each seek.

Of course, no one is perfect—nor is any family. Whatever your circumstance, honor your parents and love your family—the family you have and the family you will have someday. Our Savior can help you understand, forgive, and encourage those around you. As you do your best, the Lord will help and guide you. Please remember your standing before the Lord and in His Church is determined by your personal character and righteousness in keeping your covenants with God.


Priesthood and God’s Plan

God loves us more and knows us better than we love or know ourselves. His priesthood authority is given to bless all His children. Worthy brothers hold the priesthood, but they are not the priesthood. President Russell M. Nelson teaches that the priesthood “is just as relevant to [women] as it is to any man.” The priesthood gives women and men “access to … all the spiritual treasures the Lord has for His children.”1

young men and young women at a computer

Serving Together

In the Lord’s Church, we counsel in council as we serve together. In our councils, leaders seek insights and ideas from all, including young women and young men. In each case, we reach better decisions and have greater success in the Lord’s service as we value each other’s contributions and work together, brothers and sisters in His work.

In our wards and branches, young women and young men lead classes and quorums. In ward youth council, our youth leaders together help each youth connect with heaven, our Church leaders, and other youth. As ministering companions to adults, our young men and young women reach out and bless many. In our service, we all stand together.

young men and young women serving together

What a blessing that young men and young women serve as witnesses of restored gospel ordinances. You are the witnesses for baptisms, both for living baptisms and for baptisms for ancestors in the temple. You serve in other places in the house of the Lord as well.

Covenant Blessings with God

Individually, each young woman and each young man makes sacred covenants with God. When faithfully honored, our covenants with God bring His blessings—greater than we can imagine. Our covenants with God can sanctify our desires and actions. Our covenants and the Atonement of Christ can help us become as a child of God—humble, patient, full of love (see Mosiah 3:19). In all we do, we begin with Jesus Christ. We choose Him first among our many choices, and we put Him first in each choice we make.

Jesus Christ

Look to the Savior

You can experience happy, warm feelings in your heart as you place Jesus Christ at the center of your gospel learning, service, activities, and personal development and as you choose good. Your Christ-centered efforts can be fun and rewarding as you help others with genuine compassion and love.

Remarkable things happen when young men and young women love the Lord and serve together in unity and harmony. This is true at seminary, regular youth activities, and FSY.

young woman

With infinite love, our Heavenly Father invites every young woman and young man “to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him” (2 Nephi 26:33).

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you. They will help and bless you to be truly happy. Please choose our Savior Jesus Christ first. Trust God and be one in Jesus Christ with those around you. As a beloved child of God, you can connect and belong in the community of Saints that is His restored Church—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Who you are and who you are becoming is needed in today’s world. What a difference you can make in your family, in His restored Church, and in the world.

In Jesus Christ, all good things are possible. In Jesus Christ, all true things will come to pass, in God’s time and way. As one of His special witnesses, I testify and promise.


  1. Russell M. Nelson, “Spiritual Treasures,” Oct. 2019 general conference (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 77).
