Called of God
October 2023

“Called of God,” For the Strength of Youth, Oct. 2023.

Called of God

These members learned for themselves that prophets and apostles are called of God. You can too!


When Jesus started His mortal ministry, He called twelve Apostles. And when He restored His Church, He chose apostles and prophets to lead us in our day. By following their counsel, we can gain testimonies that they are called of God.

Meeting Apostles

Have you ever met an Apostle? Here are some stories about people who did.

I Spoke in General Conference—as a Youth

Being asked to deliver a message to millions of people in the April 2020 general conference introduced me to a whole new level of feeling overwhelmed. But I felt comforted knowing that the Lord would help me.

As I prepared my message, I was thinking about how to receive revelation. This helped me appreciate the dedication of those who speak in general conference.

When conference arrived, I felt anxious, but meeting Elder Gerrit W. Gong and the other General Authorities helped me feel peace. I then met President Russell M. Nelson. He spoke to me as if we had known each other our whole lives. I felt the pure love of Christ as I talked with the prophet.

Laudy K.

young woman at pulpit

Hosting a Face to Face Event with Elder Soares

When I found out I was going to be a part of a Face to Face event, the thing that excited me most was the opportunity to work with an Apostle.

I was nervous before the broadcast because I needed to say some things in Portuguese. I said to Elder Soares, “I’m worried my American accent is going to come through.” He replied with a smile and a wink, saying, “Max, accents are charming!”

I felt the Spirit so strongly when I heard him witness that the Savior lives and loves all of us individually.

Max A.

posed photo of people with Elder and Sister Soares

When Elder Holland Helped Me with My Math Homework

When I was 12, my father became a mission president in Chile. While there, he worked closely with Elder Holland. One day I said, “Dad, Elder Holland is in my math book.”

“Yesterday it took Jeff Holland 1 hour to get to work. This morning, Jeff drove to the train station for 20 minutes, waited for the train for 7 minutes, rode the train for 12 minutes, and then walked for 15 minutes to get to work. How long did it take Jeff to get to work this morning?”

As a joke, my parents sent a picture of the math problem to Elder Holland with a note: “Elder Holland, could you please help Whit with her math homework?”

Elder Holland wrote back with a letter.

“Dear Whitney—I was pleased you discovered my day job. I regularly submit math problems for textbooks and sometimes I just don’t know whose name to use. I think I will use yours next. (‘If Whitney Wilcox has 5 boyfriends in Provo and gains 1 a day for 14 days in Chile, how many of them will be baptized, go on missions, and want to marry her?’) Thanks for being here! I am immensely proud of you! Jeff Holland.”


Obviously Elder Holland was joking about writing math problems (and having multiple boyfriends!). But his kind note made me feel like I was important.

When Elder Holland taught the members in Chile to read the Book of Mormon every day, I started reading on my own, as a 12-year-old. That’s when I really started to develop my testimony.

Whitney L.

posed photo of a family with Elder and Sister Holland

Meeting Elder Soares in France

In 2021, my parents were called as mission leaders over the France Lyon Mission. In 2022, Elder Soares came to visit. In his talk to the missionaries, he mentioned that his luggage got lost on one of his flights.

This was kind of a wake-up call for me. It’s easy to see apostles and prophets on our screens and think that life is easy for them. But our leaders don’t ask to do this—they are called to do it. They choose to follow the Lord, and that means leaving behind their plans for the future.

Elder Soares taught me what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Even though he was busy and had his own struggles, he tried to talk to as many members as possible. I realized that the General Authorities are people like you and me who have chosen Christ and work to show His love.

Lydie L.

Jesus Christ
posed photo of a family with Elder Soares

By Prayer and Faith

If you haven’t met an Apostle, that’s OK! Most of us haven’t. You can gain a testimony that they are called of God by listening to, following, and praying about their teachings.

Practice What They Teach

I met Church leaders when I hosted a Face to Face event, but that wasn’t when I gained a testimony that they are called of God.

When I hear their words, practice what they teach, and see myself change into a more Christlike person, that’s when I feel God confirming to me that they are special witnesses of Christ.

Aaron K.

young man

Following the Prophet’s Invitations

I always look forward to general conference. I remember feeling so happy when my friends and I made a list of the things the prophet said and reminded each other to do those things. One was to go to the temple, and my friends and I went together. It was really fun, and I felt so much peace. Doing what the prophet asked helped me realize how much Jesus Christ loves me.

Leticia F.

young woman

Whether you meet an Apostle or not, you can know the truth: Apostles testify of truth and want nothing but the best for you. As you follow them, the Holy Ghost will let you know that they are called of God.
