Walking in Covenant Relationship with Christ
November 2023

Walking in Covenant Relationship with Christ



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The Lord will answer each of us in our day of distress if we choose to tether our life with His. He has promised to walk with us in the way.

We call this walking the covenant path—a path that begins with the covenant of baptism and leads to deeper covenants we make in the temple. … A covenant is not only about a contract, although that is important. It’s about a relationship. …

His is a mission of condescension. Jesus Christ will meet us where we are as we are. This is the why of the garden, the cross, and the tomb. The Savior was sent to help us overcome. But staying where we are won’t bring the deliverance we seek. … His is also a mission of ascension. He will work within us to lift us up to where He is and, in the process, enable us to become as He is. Jesus Christ came to lift us. He wants to help us become. This is the why of the temple. We must remember: it’s not the course alone that will exalt us; it’s the companion—our Savior. And this is the why of covenant relationship. …

… Begin where you are. Don’t let your condition hinder you. Remember, pace or placement on the path are not as important as progress. …

Thankfully, we walk this path together, calling out encouragement along the way. As we share our personal experience with Christ, we will strengthen personal devotion.
