Jesus Christ Is the Treasure
November 2023

Jesus Christ Is the Treasure


Jesus Christ

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Above All, by Kelsy and Jesse Lightweave

The Book of Mormon prophet Jacob referred to taking for granted or undervaluing what is nearby as “looking beyond the mark” [Jacob 4:14]. …

… We need to guard against this tendency lest we miss Jesus Christ in our lives and fail to recognize the many blessings He offers us. We need Him. … If we incorrectly imagine that there is a need for something beyond what He offers, we deny or diminish the scope and power He can have in our lives. … Jesus Christ is our treasure.

The Savior has given us many ways to focus on Him intentionally, including the daily opportunity to repent. Sometimes we undervalue how great this offered blessing is. …

… The treasured blessings of the sacrament are available to us each time we attend sacrament meeting. … The Holy Ghost blesses us with His sanctifying power so that we can always retain a remission of our sins, week in and week out. …

When we have the Holy Ghost with us, we will be inspired and guided to make and keep other covenants, such as those we make in temples. Doing so deepens our relationship with God. … Our commitment to attend should be at least as strong when the temple is nearby as when it is distant.

… When we trust God’s prophet on the earth today, and act on his counsel, we will find happiness, and we too can be healed. We need to look no further.
