The Laborers in the Vineyard
December 2023

“The Laborers in the Vineyard,” For the Strength of Youth, Dec. 2023.

The Savior’s Parables

Matthew 20:1–16 

The Laborers in the Vineyard

young woman

Illustrations by Albert Pinilla

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Early one morning, a man hires laborers to help him in his vineyard. He says he will pay them each a penny.

Four other times that day, the man hires more workers and promises to pay them what is right.

At the end of the day, he gives each worker the same amount of money, even though some worked longer than others.

The laborers who had been working all day complain that the man is being unfair.

But he reminds them that they each received what they agreed to at the start of the day and that the Lord’s kindness benefitted all of the workers.

What Can We Learn? 

Just as the man was merciful to all his workers, God is merciful to us. He wants all of us to come join Him in His kingdom. It is never too late to enter or return to the covenant path and strive to become like the Savior. Then He can bless us. We shouldn’t be jealous when God chooses to bless others too. Instead, we can be happy for them and happy with the things God has given us. And the time we get to spend working in God’s vineyard is a blessing too!
