Negative influences are everywhere in the media. How can I prevent them from influencing me?
December 2023

“Negative influences are everywhere in the media. How can I prevent them from influencing me?,” For the Strength of Youth, Dec. 2023.

Questions and Answers

“Negative influences are everywhere in the media. How can I prevent them from influencing me?”

Remember What the Internet Doesn’t Know

“You can’t avoid negative influences. However, you can set standards. The media will have many ways of using logic to convince you to lower your standards. But remember that the media doesn’t know everything. God does. He is the ultimate resource. Listen to Him, and you’ll be protected from the media’s corruption.”

Reilly K., Arizona, USA

Share the Gospel

“I made an Instagram profile where I create goals to help youth all over Brazil grow and be more like Christ. On my personal profile, there are also photos of temples, me in the chapel or institute, and soon, me on my mission. I share the gospel on social media.”

Cyndell M., 19, Brazil

Use Personal Revelation

young man

“The first time I used the internet, my parents advised me to learn about the dangers. To deal with it, I had to first pray to Heavenly Father so He could advise me. And I received personal revelation to block all media that could lead me astray.”

Eden K., 18, French Polynesia

Stick to Standards

young woman

“Not engaging in something you know is against your standards can also help you grow closer to God and avoid negative influences. When you make decisions about standards, you are trying to be better, and that is what God wants you to do.”

Hazel J., 13, Idaho, USA

Find an Uplifting Hobby

young man

“Having a hobby has helped me not to be so distracted by the internet. Performing magic shows has helped me develop my talents and make others happy. We can focus on our strengths to avoid being influenced down the wrong path.”

Sebastian S., 16, Germany

Listen to the Spirit

young woman

“The adversary relentlessly tries to get us to see things and read things that make us feel angry, fearful, jealous, etc. I try to not go on media platforms that don’t invite the Holy Ghost when I want answers or entertainment. By listening to the Spirit, we will be less affected by the negative influences of the media.”

Sierra H., 15, Idaho, USA

Think about It

young man

“Before you believe something, think about it and see if it is helping you get closer to God or driving you farther from God. If it drives you farther from God, don’t let it influence you.”

Parker W., 11, Utah, USA
