What are “Abrahamic religions”?
December 2023

“What are ‘Abrahamic religions’?,” For the Strength of Youth, Dec. 2023.

To the Point

What are “Abrahamic religions”?


Abraham, by Robert T. Barrett

Every so often, you may hear someone refer to “Abrahamic religions.” For instance, President Dallin H. Oaks once said, “Giving to those in need is a principle in all Abrahamic religions and in others as well” (Oct. 2022 general conference [Liahona, Nov. 2022, 6]).

So, what are “Abrahamic religions”? The short answer is: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The reason they are called this is simply that they all believe that Abraham was a prophet and that their religion came down to them through him.

Jews and Christians get their beliefs about Abraham from the Old Testament. Muslims’ beliefs about Abraham come from their scripture, the Koran.

“Muslims and Latter-day Saints view Abraham … as an example of faithfulness, honesty, and obedience to God. They see a bond between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism because of a common spiritual heritage linked to Abraham. For this reason, these three religions are often referred to as the ‘Abrahamic faiths’” (Muslims and Latter-day Saints: Beliefs, Values, and Lifestyles, Gospel Library).
