Working with Weakness Is the Savior’s Specialty
March 2024

“Working with Weakness Is the Savior’s Specialty,” For the Strength of Youth, Mar. 2024.

Strength in Weakness

Working with Weakness Is the Savior’s Specialty

Jesus Christ can help us grow through struggles, not just go through them.

young man looking weak

Illustrations by Uran Duo

Mason doesn’t feel God’s love like in the past. He has been battling clinical depression for a few years with little success, and he worries that his dreams might never be fulfilled.

Anna hears other youth talk about experiences with revelation and miracles. Though she tries, she doesn’t feel like she’s getting answers or having spiritual experiences like everyone else.

Ethan wonders if he’ll ever feel clean or worthy again. He has given in to certain temptations so many times that he feels a loss of control and wonders if he has permanently lost his promised blessings. He wonders if he can ever be forgiven and increasingly feels guilty at church.

Madison struggles with an eating disorder. Olivia has a learning disability. Conner struggles with scrupulosity (obsessive moral guilt). Abigail has been abused and feels like she has no value. Jake’s parents are going through divorce, and he feels hurt and confused. Jayden was betrayed and doesn’t feel he can forgive.

People have so many struggles, but there is one solution. That solution has a name—Jesus Christ. These people all want to feel strong, clean, happy, and whole again, yet they can’t solve their problems on their own. But Jesus Christ offers help. In fact, working with weakness is His specialty. His help doesn’t usually come exactly how or when we want, but it does come.

Here are some principles to help us accept the Savior’s invitation to walk with Him (see Moses 6:34), especially when wrestling with weakness.

Life Is Supposed to Be a Test

God loves you more than He loves your sense of comfort and ease. How many of your heroes experience only comfort and success? Chances are, they repeatedly face intense opposition and hardship. As part of our test in life, “the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith” (Mosiah 23:21). We may not like it, but often our hardest trials provide us with incredible growth opportunities.

Weakness Is Not a Sign of God’s Disapproval

Many ancient people believed that physical or mental maladies were a sign of God’s punishment (see John 9:2). But weakness is a part of life brought on by the Fall. Though wrestling with challenges is a normal and vital part of Heavenly Father’s plan, facing those struggles alone is not. Jesus Christ was not sent to condemn us; He was sent to love and help reclaim those who are lost, weak, or alone—which is all of us (see John 3:16–17; Luke 15).

Weak Things Are Made Strong through Christ

It is important that we define ourselves by our covenant connection with Christ and our reliance upon His perfection rather than being defined by our imperfection. Jesus Christ never turned away the weak who diligently sought Him in faith. God gives people “weakness that they may be humble; and [His] grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before [Him] … and have faith in [Him],” and if they do, “then will [He] make weak things become strong unto them” (Ether 12:27). When we bring our struggles to the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit (see 3 Nephi 9:20), He may not instantaneously take them away, but He will help and strengthen us.

Be Patient with Yourself

The covenant path is a very long journey, not a sprint. Following that path helps us through the many twists and turns, ups and downs, thrills and dangers, sunshine and storms of life. Many lessons can be learned at every step along that journey. Jesus Christ’s grace is often revealed over time, not just in isolated moments or miraculous events.

young man looking energetic

Connect with Christ

If you feel weak or are struggling, accept the Savior’s invitation: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Find ways that help you connect with Him. As you reach for Him, you will find that He has been reaching for you and will never give up on you! Life won’t be perfect, nor will it be free of weakness, pain, and struggle. But it will be better with the Master Healer at your side to lift you when you’ve fallen, bind up your wounds, and guide you in the paths that lead to lasting joy.

Jesus Christ specializes in working with weakness. He specializes in working with you!