Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ
May 2024

Saturday Morning Session

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ



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Our Father wants a deeper relationship with all His sons and daughters, but it is our choice. As we choose to draw nearer to Him through a covenant relationship, it allows Him to draw nearer to us and more fully bless us.

… Jesus Christ is at the center of all covenants we make, and covenant blessings are made possible because of His atoning sacrifice.

Baptism by immersion is the symbolic gate through which we enter into a covenant relationship with God. Being immersed in the water and coming up again is symbolic of the Savior’s death and Resurrection to new life. … In the New Testament we read, “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” [Galatians 3:27]. …

The ordinance of the sacrament also points to the Savior. The bread and water are symbolic of Christ’s flesh and blood shed for us. … As we perform the action of eating and drinking the emblems of His flesh and blood, Christ symbolically becomes a part of us [see John 6:56]. …

As we make covenants with God in the house of the Lord, we further deepen our relationship with Him. Everything we do in the temple points to our Father’s plan for us, at the heart of which is the Savior and His atoning sacrifice. …

… Our temple garment reminds us that the Savior and the blessings of His Atonement cover us throughout our lives. As we put on the garment of the holy priesthood each day, that beautiful symbol becomes a part of us. …

… I testify that the great blessings of that covenant relationship are well worth the price.