All Things for Our Good
May 2024

Saturday Afternoon Session

All Things for Our Good



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In this world of tribulation, “we know that all things work together for good to them that love God” [Romans 8:28]. …

A remarkable promise! Comforting assurance from God Himself! …

… Lived with faith, trials and sacrifices we would never choose can bless us and others in ways never imagined.

We increase faith and trust in the Lord that all things can work together for our good as we gain eternal perspective; understand our trials may be “but for a small moment”; recognize affliction can be consecrated for our gain; acknowledge accidents, untimely death, debilitating illness, and disease are part of mortality; and trust loving Heavenly Father does not give trials to punish or judge. …

… Things work together for good when we minister as Jesus Christ would.

A father assigned with his teacher-age son as ministering companions explained, “Ministering is when we go from being neighbors who bring cookies to trusted friends, spiritual first responders.” Covenant belonging in Jesus Christ comforts, connects, consecrates. …

The Book of Mormon is evidence we can hold in our hand that Jesus is the Christ and God fulfills His prophecies. …

As temples come closer to us in many places, a temple sacrifice we can offer is to seek holiness in the house of the Lord more frequently. …

In time and eternity, the purpose of Creation and the nature of God Himself are to bring all things together for our good.

This is the Lord’s eternal purpose. It is His eternal perspective. It is His eternal promise. …

… Come to God our Father and Jesus Christ. Trust They live, love you, and want all things for your good.