Be One with Christ
May 2024

Saturday Afternoon Session

Be One with Christ



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Come unto Christ, by Casey Childs

Oneness with Christ and our Heavenly Father can be obtained through the Savior’s Atonement. …

The requirements for baptism, while profound, are uniquely simple. They primarily include humility before God, a broken heart and contrite spirit, repenting of all sins, taking upon us the name of Jesus Christ, enduring to the end, and showing by our works that we have received of the Spirit of Christ.

It is significant that all the qualifications for baptism are spiritual. … The poor and the rich have the same spiritual requirements.

There are no race, gender, or ethnicity requirements. …

Given our “likeness” before God, it makes little sense to emphasize our differences. …

… To receive the blessings of the Savior’s Atonement, we must affirmatively exercise our moral agency to choose Christ and obey His commandments. …

The most significant choices can be made by almost everyone regardless of talents, abilities, opportunities, or economic circumstances. …

As we face the vicissitudes of life, many events occur over which we have little or no control. … For the most important choices, we do have control. …

On matters of principle, conduct, religious observance, and righteous living, we are in control. Our faith in and worship of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, is a choice that we make. …

We should strive to include others in our circle of oneness. …

We are united by our love of and faith in Jesus Christ and as children of a loving Heavenly Father. The essence of truly belonging is to be one with Christ.