For the Strength of Youth
Becoming Part of Someone’s Life
October 2024

Gospel Basics

Becoming Part of Someone’s Life

Follow Christ’s example to minister with love.

people holding puzzle pieces

What is ministering, and what does it truly look like? Well, one way to think of ministering is that you’re following Christ’s example to love, lift, and serve others. Ministering looks a lot like becoming part of someone’s life!

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have the privilege and opportunity to follow His example. During His mortal ministry, the Savior prayerfully, individually, and deeply blessed the lives of thousands. Similarly, in our day, ministering assignments allow us to bless those around us, often one at a time, the way He did. Ministering helps us connect more with others and with Jesus Christ.

It’s OK if you feel nervous, hesitant, or confused on how you can minister to someone. Christ will magnify your efforts.

Need suggestions? Here are 10 simple things you can do to minister to others:

  1. Pray for them.

  2. Send a friendly message.

  3. Ask about their hobbies and interests.

  4. Write a card or letter.

  5. Call to see how their day was.

  6. Invite them to attend an activity with you.

  7. Bring them their favorite treat.

  8. Share inspiring or uplifting music.

  9. Sit and talk with them at school or church.

  10. Seek for opportunities to serve them and their family.

Over time, you’ll see that loving, lifting, and serving others really does help you become part of their lives!


  1. See “What Is Ministering?,”

  2. See Gerrit W. Gong, Apr. 2023 general conference (Liahona, May 2023, 19).
