For the Strength of Youth
I hurt someone’s feelings at church. How can I make it right?
October 2024

Questions and Answers

“I hurt someone’s feelings at church. How can I make it right?”

young man

“Reflect on your actions, apologize sincerely, seek guidance if necessary, and aim to be kind and forgiving in the future.”

Lincoln B., 16, Nevada, USA

young woman

“When I hurt someone’s feelings, I feel a heaviness of heart, like something isn’t right. But when I take courage to act according to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and sincerely apologize to the person I’ve hurt, I feel peace and I know what I did is right.”

Weya G., 14, Iba, Philippines

young man

“We should continue to show love for them and serve them. We should pray for the courage to make up with them. It can be hard and take time, but God and Jesus Christ will give us what we need to make it right.”

Dean C., 15, Texas, USA

young woman

“The first step would be to talk to this person and have the empathy to understand their feelings. You can also pray to Heavenly Father to have the courage and inspiration to act in the right way—how Jesus Christ would act.”

Lívia N., 17, Paraíba, Brazil

young woman

“I would pray for the person I hurt and ask for their forgiveness. I would humble myself and be friends with him or her.”

Aelizadhel L., 19, Paniqui, Philippines
