Sacred Scriptures—the Foundations of Faith
November 2024

Sunday Afternoon Session

Sacred Scriptures—the Foundations of Faith



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My wife, Mary, and I recently saw a T-shirt with the picture of a book and a message on the front which read, “Books: The Original Handheld Device.” …

Whether handheld or digital, the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ provide spiritual guidance and teaching from Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. …

As I mentioned, I was impressed with the concept of the original handheld device—a book. However, I recognize the incredible significance of the internet in the world today. … The internet is a powerful tool for studying the gospel. Today, many people share scriptures with friends using technology. …

The scriptures teach us to use judgment and be wise in all things. The internet can be used in a positive way or a destructive way. …

… Do not entertain immoral, dishonest, or unrighteous material. … Fill your life with positive, righteous ideas; be joyful; have fun but avoid foolishness. There is a difference. … Above all, immerse yourself regularly in the Book of Mormon, which will draw the Spirit into your life and help you discern truth from error.

My counsel for those who have in any way deviated from the covenant path is to return to the sacred scriptures, prophetic guidance, religious observance in the home, and the music of faith. Every soul is precious to the Lord. We need you! The Lord needs you, and you need Him! You will always be welcome.