The “Impossible” Paper
I can cut a hole in a regular piece of paper big enough to step through. Don’t believe me? Think it’s impossible? I promise, it’s no trick. You can use this object lesson to teach your class, quorum, or family about trusting in God when you have questions—even “impossible” ones.
Ask your group if they believe you can cut a hole in a piece of paper big enough for a person to fit through. Chances are, some won’t believe you.
Read Joseph Smith—History 1:23–25. Explain that lots of people didn’t believe it was possible that Joseph Smith had seen a vision. But he knew it was true.
Time to cut the hole!
Fold the paper in half horizontally.
Starting your cut on the fold, make a vertical cut on each end of the paper, but stop before you reach the edge.
Rotating back and forth from side to side, continue cutting vertical strips into the paper (without cutting all the way through!).
Skipping over the two edge strips, cut along the fold of the paper.
Open it up, and there you have it—a hole big enough to fit through!
Discuss how just because something is confusing or seems impossible, that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Joseph Smith really did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
There may be times your beliefs are challenged by others, or you come across confusing questions. When this happens, think about the “impossible” paper. Decide to trust God and to turn to Him and other good sources for answers.
“Faith is to hope for things which are not seen but which are true. … Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.”