Statistical Report, 2001
Brothers and sisters, the First Presidency has issued the following report concerning the growth and status of the Church as of 31 December 2001:
Number of Church Units
Stakes |
2,607 |
Districts |
618 |
Missions |
333 |
Wards and branches |
26,084 |
Church Membership
Total membership |
11,394,522 |
Increase in children of record |
69,522 |
Converts baptized |
292,612 |
Number of full-time missionaries |
60,850 |
Temples Dedicated during 2001 (Montevideo Uruguay, Winter Quarters Nebraska, Guadalajara Mexico, Perth Australia, Columbia River Washington) |
5 |
Number of temples in operation |
107 |
Prominent Members Who Have Passed Away Since Last April
Elder Loren C. Dunn, an emeritus General Authority and president of the Boston Massachusetts Temple at the time of his passing; Elder Merlyn R. Lybbert, a former member of the Seventy; Elder George R. Hill III, a former member of the Seventy; Phyllis Nielsen Reeve, wife of Rex C. Reeve Sr., an emeritus General Authority; Avanelle Richards Osborn, wife of Spencer H. Osborn, a former member of the Seventy; Naomi Ward Randall, a former counselor in the Primary general presidency and author of the words of the hymn “I Am a Child of God.”