The Sustaining of Church Officers
April 2019 General Conference

The Sustaining of Church Officers

I will now present the General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Auxiliary Presidencies of the Church for sustaining vote.

It is proposed that we sustain Russell Marion Nelson as prophet, seer, and revelator and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Dallin Harris Oaks as First Counselor in the First Presidency; and Henry Bennion Eyring as Second Counselor in the First Presidency.

Those in favor may manifest it.

Those opposed, if any, may manifest it.

It is proposed that we sustain Dallin H. Oaks as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and M. Russell Ballard as Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Those in favor, please signify.

Any opposed may manifest it.

It is proposed that we sustain the following as members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: M. Russell Ballard, Jeffrey R. Holland, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, David A. Bednar, Quentin L. Cook, D. Todd Christofferson, Neil L. Andersen, Ronald A. Rasband, Gary E. Stevenson, Dale G. Renlund, Gerrit W. Gong, and Ulisses Soares.

Those in favor, please manifest it.

Any opposed may so indicate.

It is proposed that we sustain the counselors in the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators.

All in favor, please manifest it.

Contrary, if there be any, by the same sign.

It is proposed that we release the following from their service as Area Seventies: Elders Victorino A. Babida, L. Todd Budge, Peter M. Johnson, John A. McCune, Mark L. Pace, James R. Rasband, and Benjamin M. Z. Tai.

Those who wish to join us in expressing appreciation to these brethren for their dedicated service may do so with the uplifted hand.

It is proposed that we release with heartfelt gratitude Brother Tad R. Callister, Devin G. Durrant, and Brian K. Ashton as the Sunday School General Presidency.

All who wish to join us in expressing appreciation to these brethren for their remarkable service, please manifest it.

It is proposed that we sustain the following as General Authority Seventies: Rubén V. Alliaud, Jorge M. Alvarado, Hans T. Boom, L. Todd Budge, Ricardo P. Giménez, Peter M. Johnson, John A. McCune, James R. Rasband, Benjamin M. Z. Tai, and Alan R. Walker.

All in favor, please manifest it.

Those opposed, by the same sign.

It is proposed that we sustain the following as Area Seventies: Solomon I. Aliche, Guillermo A. Alvarez, Daren R. Barney, Julius F. Barrientos, James H. Bekker, Kevin G. Brown, Mark S. Bryce, A. Marcos Cabral, Dunstan G. B. T. Chadambuka, Alan C. K. Cheung, Christian C. Chigbundu, Paul N. Clayton, Karim Del Valle, Hiroyuki Domon, Mernard P. Donato, Mark D. Eddy, Zachary F. Evans, Henry J. Eyring, Sapele Fa’alogo Jr., David L. Frischknecht, John J. Gallego, Efraín R. García, Robert Gordon, Mark A. Gottfredson, Thomas Hänni, Michael J. Hess, Glenn M. Holmes, Richard S. Hutchins, Tito Ibañez, Akinori Ito, Jeremy R. Jaggi, Kelly R. Johnson, Christopher Hyunsu Kim, H. Moroni Klein, ’Inoke F. Kupu, Stephen Chee Kong Lai, Victor D. Lattaro, Tarmo Lepp, Itzcoatl Lozano, Kevin J. Lythgoe, Edgar P. Montes, S. Ephraim Msane, Luiz C. D. Queiroz, Ifanomezana Rasolondraibe, Eduardo D. Resek, Tomás G. Román, Ramon E. Sarmiento, Jonathan S. Schmitt, Vai Sikahema, Denelson Silva, Luis Spina, Carlos G. Süffert, Voi R. Taeoalii, Sergio R. Vargas, and Markus Zarse.

All in favor, please manifest it.

Those opposed, if any.

It is proposed that we sustain Mark L. Pace to serve as Sunday School General President, with Milton da Rocha Camargo as First Counselor and Jan Eric Newman as Second Counselor.

Those in favor may manifest it.

Any opposed may so signify.

It is proposed that we sustain the other General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Auxiliary Presidencies as presently constituted.

All in favor, please manifest it.

Those opposed, if any.

President Nelson, the voting has been noted. We invite those who may have opposed any of the proposals to contact their stake presidents.

Brothers and sisters, we thank you for your continued faith and prayers in behalf of the leaders of the Church.

We now invite the new General Authority Seventies and the new Sunday School General Presidency to take their seats on the rostrum.
