April 2023 general conference Saturday Morning Session Saturday Morning Session Gary E. StevensonThe Greatest Easter Story Ever ToldElder Stevenson testifies of the Book of Mormon’s powerful witness of Jesus Christ and recommends making it part of our Easter celebrations. Bonnie H. CordonNever Give Up an Opportunity to Testify of ChristPresident Cordon teaches us to draw closer to Christ, receive a witness of Him, develop holy habits, and testify of Him. Then we will become more like Him. Carl B. CookJust Keep Going—with FaithElder Cook teaches us that we can overcome discouragement and receive great blessings if we will just keep going—with faith in Jesus Christ. Gerrit W. GongMinisteringElder Gong teaches that ministering in the Savior’s way will help us draw closer together and become more like Jesus Christ. Quentin L. CookSafely Gathered HomeElder Cook teaches that the Lord expects those who have received His gospel to urgently strive to be an example that will help others come to God. Allen D. HaynieA Living Prophet for the Latter DaysElder Haynie teaches the importance of promptly following the counsel of the living prophet. Henry B. EyringFinding Personal PeacePresident Eyring teaches that as we experience the Savior’s gift of personal peace, we can help others find it, and they, in turn, can pass it along. Saturday Afternoon Session Saturday Afternoon Session Dallin H. OaksSustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General OfficersPresident Oaks presents the General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers to be sustained. Jared B. LarsonChurch Auditing Department Report, 2022Jared B. Larson presents the Church Auditing Department Report for 2022. Dale G. RenlundAccessing God’s Power through CovenantsElder Renlund teaches that as we come unto Christ and are connected to Him and our Heavenly Father by covenant, we can be transformed and become perfected in Jesus Christ. Peter F. MeursHe Could Heal Me!Elder Meurs teaches how Jesus Christ redeems us from our sins and heals us from all our sufferings. Randall K. BennettYour Patriarchal Blessing—Inspired Direction from Heavenly FatherElder Bennett teaches that patriarchal blessings provide inspired direction from Heavenly Father. Craig C. Christensen“There Can Be Nothing So Exquisite and Sweet as Was My Joy”Elder Christensen teaches that we can receive true joy through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Evan A. SchmutzTrusting the Doctrine of ChristElder Schmutz teaches about the blessings that come when we trust the doctrine of Christ. Benjamín De HoyosThe Work of the Temple and Family History—One and the Same WorkElder De Hoyos teaches that family history and temple work are central to Heavenly Father’s plan for His children. Dieter F. UchtdorfJesus Christ Is the Strength of ParentsElder Uchtdorf teaches how Jesus Christ helps parents fulfill their divine responsibilities to teach and care for their children. Saturday Evening Session Saturday Evening Session Mark A. BraggChristlike PoiseElder Bragg counsels us to develop Christlike poise to help us in challenging times and to better help others through their challenges as well. Milton CamargoFocus on Jesus ChristBrother Camargo reminds us of the blessings of creating a gospel-centered home and teaches that Jesus Christ helps us overcome problems like death, sin, and weakness. K. Brett NattressHave I Truly Been Forgiven?Elder Nattress teaches that forgiveness is available to all through the infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ. Juan A. UcedaThe Lord Jesus Christ Teaches Us to MinisterElder Uceda teaches that Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd and that we can follow Him and His teachings as we minister to one another in love. Sunday Morning Session Sunday Morning Session D. Todd ChristoffersonOne in ChristElder Christofferson describes how we can achieve unity despite our differences—by individually coming unto Jesus Christ. Camille N. JohnsonJesus Christ Is ReliefPresident Johnson teaches that we can partner with the Savior to offer temporal and spiritual relief to those in need. Ulisses SoaresFollowers of the Prince of PeaceElder Soares teaches about Christlike attributes that help us promote peace and become true followers of Jesus Christ. Kazuhiko YamashitaWhen to Receive Your Patriarchal BlessingElder Yamashita encourages members to receive and review their patriarchal blessings, which contain personal counsel from the Lord. Neil L. AndersenMy Mind Caught Hold upon This Thought of Jesus ChristElder Andersen teaches how we can receive heavenly guidance and heavenly power as we catch hold upon the idea of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. Kevin R. DuncanA Voice of Gladness!Elder Duncan teaches that keeping our temple covenants will strengthen our testimonies and help us access the Savior’s healing power. Russell M. NelsonPeacemakers NeededPresident Nelson invites us to examine our hearts and lay aside anything that prevents us from being peacemakers, a role for true disciples of Jesus Christ—especially when under fire. Sunday Afternoon Session Sunday Afternoon Session Dallin H. OaksThe Teachings of Jesus ChristPresident Oaks shares scriptures that record the words of Jesus Christ. M. Russell BallardRemember What Matters MostPresident Ballard teaches about things that matter most, including our relationships, our spiritual promptings, and our testimonies. Ronald A. RasbandHosanna to the Most High GodElder Rasband teaches that Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the events of the week that followed exemplify doctrine we can apply in our lives today. Vern P. StanfillThe Imperfect HarvestElder Stanfill teaches the difference between chasing worldly perfection and becoming perfect in Christ. W. Mark BassettAfter the Fourth DayElder Bassett teaches that as we keep the commandments and do all that we can do, Jesus Christ will work miracles in our lives. Ahmad S. CorbittDo You Know Why I as a Christian Believe in Christ?Elder Corbitt teaches about the plan of salvation, the doctrine of Christ, and the importance of sharing these truths with others. David A. Bednar“Abide in Me, and I in You; Therefore Walk with Me”Elder Bednar teaches that when we abide in the Savior, He will abide in us and we will be blessed. Russell M. NelsonThe Answer Is Always Jesus ChristPresident Nelson testifies of Jesus Christ and announces locations for new temples.