Ntsáo Áłah Aleeh
Tʼááʼakwiijį́ Diyin bichʼį́ hodinííłzingo hiniiná.
Ghąąjį’ 2024 Ntsaago Áłah Aleeh


Tʼááʼakwiijį́ Diyin bichʼį́ hodinííłzingo hiniiná.

Tʼááʼakwiijį́ Diyin bichʼį́ hodinilzingo bee iina baa hastʼį́. Binaajį́ hozhǫ́go Diyin nihił holǫ́.

Tʼááʼániidigo diné Gong dabizhíʼígíí ʼahineikaigo baahozhǫ́ǫ́go alah nádleeh. Hané dóó baa haniiní, tʼaa dooléʼé ʼahaahoninéhgo ei baa honiinígo baa ninaaʼalda.

Díí ʼáhaahooniné ei łágo ʼátʼé. honinééhgo ałchį́ nikaiʼígíí ei shicheii dóó shi ei łaji nilį́, naanałáei ei atsokéʼ, łaʼtsaadah do naakitsaadaah binaahai. Łáji hané biih haniiłgo hané ʼa´té yaa halné.ei nihikʼis Peter hané baa dloohosinigii ei Gerrit Gong ʼatʼoa hané. Nihicheii Gerrit Gong yichʼį́ niyaʼígíí ei AL Gerrit Gong.

Atsoké dóó shí ałtsé niha hooziih.

Ałtse naaʼidikidʼígíí ei ałkidą́ą́ naalooshi tso dinoaur ei bichidi yidiisę́ę́h ei haa woolyé ? Naalooshii Tyannosaurus yichǫ́ǫ́ʼígíí wolyé.

Al Gerrit Gong ei ʼabidooniid, Gerriit W. Gong nitsekessʼígíí nitsenikess bidooniid. Yaltʼį́ʼígíí ʼatʼoa yaniłtį́ bidooniid.

Al Gerrit Gong: “Kǫ́ǫ́ ei Gerrit W.Gong, haadziih, Hoahʼǫ́ʼ yaa nitsekess hadziih, Haʼatish biniinaa ei tʼíís joobą́ʼigii diné yiniinaa dadloh? ʼAyooʼoʼoniini ei biké tłoolgo yee niłdził dóó joobá yee doolniih. Tʼíísgi ʼatʼoa nihi dziłgo nisiidzih, áádóó diné naana ła baa jiinibá.

ʼako, haayitʼoa baa nitsekess? Éí ázhéʼé halné baa ʼoodloʼ hosinigii wolyeʼ.

Nihi naago baa nihił hozhǫ́ dooleełʼigii holǫ́, łáda yidlo leh dóó yiitʼį́nigii ʼaheeniizin. Diyin binanitin diyingo dóó bee hozhǫ́go tʼááʼákwiijį́ ei bee nihiniina. Diyinigii ei bee hodiyin dóó bikʼehgo tʼáá dooléʼe bee dadiyingo ʼadaalʼį́. Tʼááʼkwiijį́ diyingo iina ei bee yáʼátʼééhgo nihił hozą́, azhą́ą́ ʼádwiiʼáágo chiłdiininí dóó hoshdiininí daholǫ́ ndi. Diyin bił yitaash dooleeł niizingo ei nihił ałdo diyingosiizį́ doo, haala bí ei Diyin nilį́, Shił yiazh nihił ni.

T’áá aniiltso nihaa hane’ hólǫ́. Sister Gong bił keyago keedahatʼį́go nihtah neitaashgo, Diyingo nidaakaiʼigii bee tʼaaʼákiijį́ nizhongo nitsiikess. Saad bee Diyin bikʼehgo diyinigii ííłʼį́: Ałtsé ei Baah dóó ´tó yidą́ą́nigii bee Diyin béneelniih.naaki goné haayitʼoa dinéʼígíí bił neildeeh. Táá goné ʼájoobá ei diné baa jiiba. Dį́į́ goné ei Saad bee n ahatʼááh, Ashdlaa goné Diyin bił ághaajitaah, haghandoo diné dóó hakʼis. Hastą́ą́ goné ei Jesus Christ bikee siizį́.

Naalkaigo beehozingo diné Diyin dayoodlaanigii ei diné bił dahozhǫ́, doo dabiih neih, doo yeigo yinił yé nakai da. Iina yaa bił dahozhǫ́, nitsekess dóó ʼatsii ei baa hozhǫ́ dóó baa ahaya dóó nizhonigo bas nitsekess. nizhonigo iina bee ʼaziih doo yáʼátééhgo diné yił naaldeeh.

Atsʼiis dóó nitsekess ei yáʼátʼééh, Tʼáá ei bee diné tʼáá ałtso íína bee yáʼátééh.

Nidaʼałkaʼígíí díígí ʼatʼoa “Diyin dayodlaanigii yee daniłdził” ʼáchʼį́ nahwiinaago, binaajį́ ééhozin daaní, Dahoghango, diné bił nahazʼą́ą́go Diyin dayoodlaanigii yee dahiyotą́go daniłdził. Diyin bichʼį́ hodiyin Saad nichǫ́ʼį́ ei dooda dííní, naadlo, yoochʼííd bitsą́ą́doo saad doo yáʼátʼééhígíí halǫ́ ʼako ei dooda dadíí ní. Diyin bichʼį́ hodiyin ei dadíiní, Baahastʼį́ dóó dilzin, binaajį́ Tʼáá nihi, nih daholniih, nihił dahozhǫ́, nizhonigo iina, tʼáá nihi, n ihidaholniihgo Diyin deiniidlaa.

Tʼááʼakwiijį́ diyingo Diyin bichʼį́go yidaałʼígíí ei haayitʼé ?

Tʼááʼakwiijį́ diyingo iina ei diné łá inda aghaa yitaá´sh,Diyin bił ʼághaaditaa yikʼeh hoołʼį́, azhaa iina bananitlah ndi Diyin yanaanish.

Adzaniigii ʼaní, selkeeh daʼooltago ei tʼóó tłééh nahalin ní. Diyin God doo sha holǫ́ da nahalin. Łá tłééd shichʼį́ hané shichʼį́ ą́yiilaago aní, Diyin bizaad Alma halneʼigíí táádiin doo bią́ą́ táá goné yitaísh.

“Yinishtágo iłhozhǫ́ dóó ayoiʼoʼni shił hozhlį́į́.” Hai da haza naashchid nahalin Diyin bizaad Alma 36:12, Diyin ei bił beehozin ʼanishtehʼígíí.

ʼÁnaadaní, Tʼáádoo ʼaghaaniitash yę́ę́dą́ą́, Tiding Diyin bééso bichʼį́ nínaahalyéʼígíí ei doo hozhǫ́ yinishdlaa da, dish ní. Háʼátʼish ei biniyé Diyin God béeso bichʼí nidahilyé, diné naana łágo bibéeso tʼóó ʼadahayoigo. Diné bił ahidishaashʼígíí shił honégo aní, éí haanilą́ą́ béeso da, haayitʼoa Diyin bikʼeh honiłʼį́. Tithing diyin bibéeso naahalé shił ní.

bitsʼáádoo bidzilgo Diyin yinishdlaa. Łáda, béeso doo hozhǫ́ holǫ́ da ndi, Lą́go nihikʼi hojodli doo nichʼi naahalyéʼigii ei tʼáá biighaa nahleeh.

Azeeʼiilʼini ei baa inishtá, Tʼáá shi teiya sodizin ba hooghanji ʼatah nishłį́, doo tʼáá shi eiya aseyéh. Biniinaa diné bił da íínishtáʼígíí saad doo yáʼátʼééhʼígíi yee shaa yadááltʼį́ łeh. Łada bikʼéé naashchah.

Kʼad ei ei hozhǫ́ Diyin yinishdlaanigii baa hashné dóó bee sizí. Diyin binanitin yisnishdlaa dóó bíhołʼą́ą́ʼígíí binaajį́ ei kʼad shi dziłgo hozhǫ́ baa hashné.

Bá hastin ei aniid naaghaa, ei ani, Tʼáá dóó Diyin ba´ nashtingo disháágo ei łá hodago ołtáʼigíí ʼádashił, niha jooł yikaałʼigii bee naaninééh doo daaní. Haidigii adiishłeeł ei naanitłah, Diyin baa ninishtingo niya. Diyin ba nanishtinigi éí nizhoni.

Hoghandi nanidzaago, Ayo shananitłah doo nisin ntʼę́ę́ʼ łágo ʼátʼé, shi dził dóó tsiłgo doo shineih, naasha. Jooł ei shi dził dóó yeigo bee adish niih. Jooł yee nidaané ʼigo ei niha naaniééh daaní. Áláádi Diyin báʼíínishłí.

“Diyin bá nanishtiní nishlį́ go Sodilzingo bee nihi dził dishnigo nanishtin i´ntʼę́ę́ʼ. Łada tʼa´á shi ndi łada bee naayooná.”

Diyin bichʼį́ hodiyingo nanitinigii ei lą́go bee nikʼihojodlį́į́h. Tʼáádooléʼégo náʼíílyéʼígíí, ooikilʼigíí bikʼehgo naaʼánish éí tʼáá nanitłah, Diyin ya nidanitinigii ei tʼááʼałʼą́ą́ʼatʼoa bee dahai dóó ałʼą́ą́ʼátʼoa biyaa dahoʼá ndi, tʼááʼátʼé ei Diyin yadahaniih. Diyin bikʼehgo ei ʼahoonił.

Łá diné ei dízdiin binaahai ei Diyin yananitini nilį́ ei shizhéʼé ʼanínigii ye shił halnégo aní. hodahgo ołtáʼígíí yidootá ni,Diyin ya nanitin dooleeł ei dooda ni. Tʼáá dóó nizaad nahoziihgo ei shizhéʼé bijei niłdlahgo ʼádin. Shiniinaa ʼádin nisin. haayitʼoa ei shizhéʼé bił hodiishni nisin.

Aadoo bikʼijį́ “Diyin bá nanishtingo diishaał nizin, Shi zhéʼé ei baa yiyeełgo yiłtsáá. nizhonigo dóó yáʼa´tʼééhgo naaghai. Diyin báʼnanistin dooleeł yabił hozhǫ́.

Shizhéʼé ei Diyin ya nanitingo baa nitdekess. Tʼáá Diyin Bizaad Diyin bibee hazʼą́ą́nii Hané 138 dóó Diyin bił ʼaghaaditááʼígíí wolyéʼígíí aníʼnigii ʼátʼoa, íisizíínii bikeyadi nanitin. Shizhéʼé baa nitsekessgo ei binaal yiíkaʼyééd Germany béesh bichʼaʼį́ bikeyadę́ę́ tsootsidtsááʼadah binaahaigo dadiiya dóó doo baahozin da, naashodiiziihgo bighandoo diné bikʼi náákai.”

Béʼadzaaʼ aní, ashké ashdlaa, “hodago yiego daʼiíłtáʼigii ei Diyin bá nanitingo nidaakai”, ni.

Tʼááʼakwiijį́ Diyin bich]i hodiyin éí sikééh inda Diyin bił holǫ́go bił beehozin nahalin. Dine łá ʼábidooniid Diné tʼáá íiyíisii yeigo ʼátʼé bá sodilzin. Díí diné nanitinʼígíí aní, Diyin yinishdlaa Yáʼátʼééh nidoodleeł dishniihgo bá sodizin doo. Akondi tʼáá dii Diyin ya nanitin ání, Shił bee hozingo Shi nizin ei doo bikʼehgo ʼahoniił da. Diyin íínizin iíí ei bikʼehgo ʼa hooniił, Diné bá sodizinʼʼígíí éí bił yáʼátʼééh dooleeł dishnígo ba sodizin. Tʼáá doo yeigo bichʼí naahwiinaaní ʼádin.

Tʼááʼákwiijí Diyin bichį́ sodizininigii ei bee Diyin bichʼį́ niha ʼahootʼį́. Diné hodadi ołtádi boholniihʼígíí ʼaní, diné lá bee beehozinʼigii bá sodizinigii bee ní. Diné hodadu ołtadi nidaanish ołtaʼí yadabiní,

nihi lah łá yeigo naalnish dóó báałchiní ʼałhoyą́n, bahastin bitsʼą́ą́ dadiiyaa. Díí adzaan dóó diné ʼako daatʼe´ʼigii ei baahashnííh. Łájį́ ei daʼíígish dóó ei dedishgo ʼAní “Háʼátish biniyé ní?” Yaaʼáko niizin, Łá hozhǫ́go hachʼį́ haadziihgo ani, “shił ʼaghaa dinitʼą́ʼ ni.”

Ashdlaadiin naahai, łá adzaani bizhéʼé doo shaa nitsekees da nizin. Shi yaahooʼą́dę́ę́ ei shinaaʼí dikwii shį́į́ dóó shízhéʼé ʼáádóó shí. tʼááshi teiya ʼatʼééd dóó ʼatsį́ʼ nishlį́. Shizhéʼé doo shaa ʼohochį́į́d nisin. jhi ba nizhonigii ʼánishtʼééh doo nisin.

ʼShima nitsą́ą́ʼádin. Shimá ei shizhéʼé sha hosin nisin.

Łá ʼajį́, nizhéʼé Diyin bighango díítʼaash bidiiní jiniigo ditsą́ą́. Áádóó Shizhéʼé Diyin bighango naakidi ałneetashgo ninadzid. Shizhéʼé ʼayoiʼanishní bidishní. Shi do ʼayoiʼnishni shił ní.

Diyin bighandi iina yáʼa´tʼééhgo niha ʼyiilaa. Shimá naahasdzan bikaadi tʼáádoo nihikaʼ áwod da. Shimá ʼadin dóó nana łádę́ę́ inda doo niha naalnishʼígíí niha ʼałtʼééh dzaa. Diyin bighan binaajį́ ʼahi neikai dóó hooláágo ahił honiidlǫ́ǫ́ dooleeł,

Azhéʼé ʼaní, Díí Diyin bighan dáʼíídlishʼígíí ei Tʼááʼíiyíisii diyinigo azhlį́į́, shitsiʼ bił nihį́į́naał. Kʼad ei ʼakǫ́ǫ́ alnaanietash ayooʼani nihił holǫ́.

Tʼááʼakwiijį́ diyin bichʼį́ hodiniłzin, azhą́ą́ ʼáyoiʼaniiní nihitsʼą́ą́ ʼanákai ndi. Tʼááʼaniidigo Shima Jean gong nihitsą́ą́ danidiidzaa ei náhástʼédiin dóó biʼą́ą́ tseebii binaahaigo.

Shimá ʼnaayidiłkidgo ádiní “Haidigii yinizin? Rocky road, White Chocolate ginger, strawberry ice cream?” Shimá aniih, aooʼ, Táá shǫ́ǫ́di, tʼááłá nicǫ́nogo dahdííshlį́. Haish shą́ ei bimá doo yida yiłniih doo, tʼááʼátʼe´ bił cą́ngo.

Shimá łá neidikidgo abidish ni, Háʼátʼish iinilaaʼígíí ei ei neiʼií´ná łá ʼatʼoa ʼayíílaa? binidish ni,

“Jesus Christ Bisodizin bahooghan dóó Diné Ákéédi yoołkaaldi Diyin bikee naaziniji tó bee shidoolzį́į́h. áádóó Hawaiidoo mainlandji niníná. Kwéʼé ei nizheʼé bił áhééhojosiid, ní.”

Ashdláatsʼáadah binaahaigontó bee bidoozį́į́h, Tʼáá tsah Sodizin baa hooghanjį́ ʼádiiyaa. Shimá ei Diyin yoodlaa dóó Diyin yaʼódlíígo áádóó bighan doo diné. Shimá bohoosah´, Tʼáá nihiígíí ʼátʼoa nihighan haida bohosaah. Shil beehozingo shimá doo tʼóó ʼadin da. dóó tʼóó kǫ́ naaghaa da. Shimá ei baa hashiniih áádóó haishį́į́ tʼááʼákwiijį́ nizhonigo diyingo Diyin yaadahaniih.

Tʼááʼáá niigo tʼaaʼkwiijį́ Diyin yichʼį́ sodadilzin dóó Diyin bighangoo ałnaadakai. Dii teiya tʼááʼaniitso niha, ła diné Diyin bisodizinj˛́ daʼátah, naanała dooda ʼátah da.

Diné táágo ałkʼis danilį́go ei Bangkok Thailand Temple, (Diyin Bighan) yikai.

Diyin kwéʼé ei haadaaltʼeh hoodléé´ł ní.

tó bee alzį́į́hdi ei łá ani “Kǫ́ǫ́ naashaago nishtoligo tááh shidooyis dóó doo naadiisih da ni.”

Táá´ goné haaziihʼígíí ei aní, “Bidziłgo hodiyin hozʼą́nigii baa ʼákonisin?”ni.

Naahastʼééhgo saad baahastį́ʼigii ei Diyin bighan hoashdę́ę́ niigo bee haʼoodziih.

Diyin bichʼį́ hodidiyin

“Diyin bighan.”

Tʼááʼakwiijį́ Diyin bichʼį́ hodinísingo bee iina bee hastʼį́. ʼAko ei Diyin tʼááʼáyídigo Diyin bichʼį́go yidaał dóó Diyin bił nahiniinaa dooleełʼígíí bá ałtʼéh ʼádíílné.

Łada ííní nizin Shikʼis nahalingo, ShiTáá yaʼaashdi holonii daatsi ʼayoiʼashiní niizin. ʼAooʼ Diyin ʼayoi ʼanóní. Tʼááʼakwiijį́ ei Diyin ayoiʼáhoní niniinigii ei diyingo iiniłzin dóó baa nihił hozhǫ́. Díí shił t’áá’aaníí, Jesus Christ bízhi’ binahjį’, ʼadishní Amen.


  1. From Old Testament times, we are taught, “Ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy” (Leviticus 11:44). We are to walk in holiness before the Lord (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:69), stand in holy places (see Doctrine and Covenants 45:32), keep the Sabbath day holy (see Exodus 20:8), wear holy garments (see Exodus 29:29), use holy anointing oil (see Exodus 30:25), be blessed by holy prophets (see Doctrine and Covenants 10:46), and rely upon holy scriptures (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:11), holy laws (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:20), and holy angels (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:6). Holiness to the Lord is intended to bless all aspects of our daily life.

  2. See Moses 6:34.

  3. See “Religion and Spirituality: Tools for Better Wellbeing?,” Gallup Blog, Oct. 10, 2023, news.gallup.com. “Worldwide, people with a greater commitment to spirituality or religion have better wellbeing in many respects”—including positive emotions, sense of purpose, community engagement, and social connections (Faith and Wellness: The Worldwide Connection between Spirituality and Wellbeing [2023], 4, faithandmedia.com/research/gallup).

  4. Each quoted experience is shared—with my admiration and appreciation—in the words of the individuals involved and by their permission.

  5. Today in the Church, young adults ages 18–35 (including both young single and young married adults) and single adults (ages 36–45) constitute one-third (32.5 percent) of total Church members. Of those 5.623 million Church members, young adults ages 18–35 total in number 3.625 million (of which 694,000 are married), and single adults ages 36–45 total in number 1.998 million. Our young and single adults are outstanding; each one is precious. Each has an individual story of faith, seeking, resilience, and compassion. The example shared here is representative of the remarkable range of stories and experience young and single adults share as I meet you in many settings and circumstances across the Church.

  6. Currently, some 77,500 missionaries are serving in 450 missions worldwide. This includes young teaching missionaries, young service missionaries, and senior couples, but not 27,800 senior service missionaries and long-term volunteers. Each missionary story, from preparation through service and return, is individual and full of holiness to the Lord in personal experience.

    Many missionary experiences reflect a spiritual pattern. This includes individual testimony of selfless inviting and helping others to come to Jesus Christ and of the missionary becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ and Preach My Gospel missionary. Preach My Gospel missionaries are changed, even transformed, by their testimony experiences. They learn to love individuals, places, languages, and cultures. They fulfill prophecy by bringing the glad tidings of the fulness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to nations, kindreds, and peoples. They find good in and learn to live with every companion. They work with members, leaders, and friends in many circumstances and backgrounds, and so much more.

    Preach My Gospel missionaries nurture faith and confidence. They build consecrated companionships. They learn that obedience brings blessings and miracles. In a myriad other personalized ways, they truly become and know by covenant: “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (3 Nephi 5:13).

  7. Some of our most faithful and courageous Church members, sisters and brothers, find themselves facing situations they never expected and never would have chosen. These true Saints carry on, day in and day out, often waiting on the Lord. The Lord is aware of each and, as this example tenderly shares, desires to encourage and strengthen each of us in His time and way.

  8. There is much longing for relationships with parents and children. I am deeply grateful for each situation in which, even after many years, reconciliation, forgiveness, and covenant belonging are created or restored. This good sister does not want anyone to think poorly of her father. She says, “He is a fine and faithful leader and a good father.”

  9. A paradox of parenting is that children are deeply shaped by how they are nurtured, yet they usually remember little of the early years when their mothers tirelessly, selflessly mother. Words are insufficient to express the truism that my understanding, love, and appreciation for my father and mother expanded and deepened as I became a husband, parent, and grandparent. Reflecting the generational nature of the plan of happiness, we can, in temple mirrors of eternity, see ourselves as a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother in one direction and as a daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter in the other direction.

  10. Today, approximately 60 percent of Church members worldwide live within 50 miles (80 km, or about an hour travel time in many places) of a house of the Lord. In coming years, as announced temples are completed, approximately three-fourths of Church members will live within an hour of a house of the Lord. Depending on circumstances, that is hopefully close enough to come often to the Lord in His holy house, thereby blessing generations of precious family members and ourselves and our posterity.

  11. On our temples, the standard inscription is “Holiness to the Lord, the House of the Lord.” A few temples include more than this inscription, such as adding the name of the Church. A few temples have the inscription reversed: “The House of the Lord, Holiness to the Lord” (in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and San Diego in the United States). The Logan Utah Temple inscription simply states, “Holiness to the Lord.”