April 2024

T’áá Ałtsojį’ Yá’át’ééh Dooleeł Diyin God Bighan Ntsáagí Bee Aha’da’deet’aahígíí Binahjį’


October 2023

Tʼááʼákwííjí Wiłnąąʼaash

October 2023

Sodinzinjí Bídahólníihii Bá Yada’diilnííh, Tsosts’idiin Bídahólníihii, dóó Ntsaago Sodizin bá Hooghanjí Ánaazíinii

April 2023

Henry B. Eyring


October 2022

Bidanóoł’ą́ą Dóołeeł Yiłní

October 2022

Henry B. Eyring

April 2022

Henry B. Eyring


October 2021

Henry B. Eyring

October 2021

Bá yada’diinííh Ntsáago Bidahólníhii, Tsosts’ídiin Áadi Bidahólníhii, dóó Ntsáo Sodizin bá Hooghanjí Ánaazį́į.

April 2021

Bízhi’ Bee Bik’idhasdli’

April 2021

Diyin Bighan Ntsaa’ígíí Néshį́įgo Ts’ídá Shił Yá’át’ééh


October 2020

Henry B. Eyring

October 2020

Zion Bilah Danohłį́

October 2020

Bá yada’diinííh Ntsáago Bidahólníhii, Tsosts’ídiin Áadi Bidahólníhii, dóó Ntsáo Sodizin bá Hooghanjí Ánaazį́į.

April 2020

Nihiląąjí Yigaał

April 2020

Oodlą’ Bee Sohodizin


October 2019

Henry B. Eyring

October 2019

Sáanii aha’deet’ą́ yee Diyin God yił yilnish

October 2019

Bá yada’diinííh Ntsáo Bidahólníhii, Tsosts’ídiin Áadi Bohólníhii, dóó Ntsáo Sodizin bá Hooghanjí Ánaazíi.

April 2019

Henry B. Eyring

April 2019

Hooghan Si’ą́ągi Bóhólníihii bi’Ii’sizį́į Hóló


October 2018

Women and Gospel Learning in the Home

October 2018

Try, Try, Try

October 2018

The Sustaining of Church Officers

April 2018

Hódzáago Áłah Aleeh

April 2018

Inspired Ministering

April 2018

His Spirit to Be with You


October 2017

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2017

The Lord Leads His Church

October 2017

Fear Not to Do Good

April 2017

“Walk with Me”

April 2017

“Shí hoozyéél Níhaa Díni’ą́”

April 2017

Gathering the Family of God


October 2016

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2016

Bí Dah Eíí Ałdó’ Bidziil Dooleeł

October 2016

Tį́’ Ahéhee’ dóó Hodílzin Bee Hinii’ná

April 2016

Naaki índa Táá’ Silį́į’gi

April 2016

Trust in That Spirit Which Leadeth to Do Good

April 2016

Eternal Families


October 2015

You Are Not Alone in the Work

October 2015

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2015

The Holy Ghost as Your Companion

April 2015

The Comforter

April 2015

Naat’áaníí Henry B. Eyring

April 2015

Naat’áaníí Henry B. Eyring


October 2014

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2014

President Henry B. Eyring

October 2014

Náásgóó Diyin God Nihił Ííshją́ą́ É’éł’į́

April 2014

President Henry B. Eyring

April 2014

Atsi’ Yił Aha’deet’ánígíí

April 2014

President Henry B. Eyring


October 2013

To My Grandchildren

October 2013

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2013

Bind Up Their Wounds

April 2013

We Are One

April 2013

“Come unto Me“


October 2012

Where Is the Pavilion?

October 2012

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2012

The Caregiver

October 2012

Help Them Aim High

April 2012

Mountains to Climb

April 2012

Families under Covenant


October 2011

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2011

Preparation in the Priesthood: “I Need Your Help”

October 2011

A Witness

April 2011

Opportunities to Do Good

April 2011

Learning in the Priesthood

April 2011

A Living Testimony


October 2010

Trust in God, Then Go and Do

October 2010

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2010

Serve with the Spirit

April 2010

Help Them on Their Way Home

April 2010

Act in All Diligence


October 2009

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2009

The Enduring Legacy of Relief Society

October 2009

Our Perfect Example

October 2009

Be Ready

April 2009

“Man Down!”

April 2009



October 2008

The Sustaining of Church Officers

October 2008

Our Hearts Knit as One

October 2008

O Ye That Embark

April 2008

Walk in the Light

April 2008

The True and Living Church

April 2008

Faith and the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood


October 2007

O Remember, Remember

October 2007

God Helps the Faithful Priesthood Holder