April 2024

Pwapwa non ewe Niffangen ekkewe Kiien Pristut


October 2023

Ekieki Muun Celestial

April 2023

Jises Kraist Ina Ewe Ponuan Fansoun Meinisin

April 2023

A Namot Epwe Wor Chon Fori Kinamwe


October 2022

Anonga Ekiek won ewe Tempel

October 2022

Okkufatiw Fonufan me Kuna Asoso

October 2022

Met Mi Ennet?

April 2022

Iei Ewe Awa

April 2022

Ewe Manamanen Amwokutun Pekin Ngun

April 2022

Afanafana ewe Kapas Allimen Kinamwe


October 2021

Awora Fansoun ngeni ewe Samon

October 2021

Ewe Tempel me Om Nongonong non pekin Ngun

October 2021

Nimenimochun Ennet, Nimenimochun Nongonong, me Nimenimochun Pwarata

April 2021

COVID-19 me Ekkewe Tempel

April 2021

Kraist A Manaueta; Nuku non I Epwe Emowkutu Chuk

April 2021

Met Kich Mi Kakaeo me Sise Tongeni Monnukano

April 2021

Afanafanen Etiwetiw


October 2020

Eu Minafo Ururun Napanap

October 2020

Mut ngeni Kot epwe Nemenem

October 2020

Etiwa Fansoun Mwach fiti Nuku

October 2020


April 2020

Soposopono non Nuku

April 2020

Puchorun Mwareiti

April 2020

Ausening Ngeni I

April 2020

Sukono ekkewe Nang ren Aninnis

April 2020

Afanafanen Nepoputan


October 2019

Afanafanen Nesoponon

October 2019

Ewe Aruwen Annuk mi Napanap

October 2019

Ekkewe Feiochun Ngun

October 2019

Chon Pwarata, Mwichen Chon ewe Pristut seni Aaron, me Mwichen Fopun

April 2019

Afanafanen Nesoponon

April 2019

“Feito, Tapwoto Mwuri”

April 2019

Sia Tongeni Fofforochuno me Pwisin Aochuno


October 2018

Ewe Pungun Iten ei Mwichfen

October 2018

An Fefin Anins ren ewe Chusefan ren ekkewe Aramasen Israen

October 2018

Afanafanen Nepwopwutan

October 2018

Winiti Aramas mi Pin non Fansoun Soponon mi Amwarar

April 2018

Pwarata fan iten ewe Mwichefen, Pwarata fan iten Manauach

April 2018

Afanafan fiti ewe Pochokun me Mumuta seni Kot

April 2018


April 2018

Sipwe Nikitu

April 2018

Kapasen Nepoputan


October 2017

Ewe Puken Mormon: Epwe Ifa Usun Manauom ika pwe ese Wor?

April 2017

Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives


October 2016

Pwapwa me Amanau non Pekin Ngun

April 2016

The Price of Priesthood Power


October 2015

President Russell M. Nelson

April 2015

Elter Russell M. Nelson


October 2014

Elter Russell M. Nelson

April 2014

Ach Nuku epwe Pwarano


October 2013

Finata Mettoch pwe Oupwe Feioch Feinfeino

April 2013

Catch the Wave


October 2012

Tungorei ekkewe Misineri! Ra Tongeni Anisuk!

April 2012

Thanks Be to God


October 2011


April 2011

Face the Future with Faith


October 2010

Be Thou an Example of the Believers

April 2010

Generations Linked in Love


October 2009

Ask, Seek, Knock

April 2009

Lessons from the Lord’s Prayers


October 2008

Celestial Marriage

April 2008

Salvation and Exaltation


October 2007

Scriptural Witnesses