Oct 2024
Ulisses Soares

Aligning Our Will with His

Oct 2024
David P. Homer

Trusting Our Father

Apr 2024
Mathias Held

Opposition in All Things

Apr 2024
Paul B. Pieper

Trust in the Lord

Apr 2024
Quentin L. Cook

Be One with Christ

Apr 2024
Massimo De Feo

Rise! He Calleth Thee


Oct 2023
Valeri V. Cordón

Divine Parenting Lessons

Oct 2023
Russell M. Nelson

Think Celestial!

Oct 2023
Dallin H. Oaks

Kingdoms of Glory


Oct 2022
David A. Bednar

Put On Thy Strength, O Zion

Apr 2022
Dale G. Renlund

Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny

Apr 2022
Neil L. Andersen

Following Jesus: Being a Peacemaker


Oct 2021
Quentin L. Cook

Personal Peace in Challenging Times

Oct 2021
Camille N. Johnson

Invite Christ to Author Your Story

Apr 2021
Dallin H. Oaks

Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution


Oct 2020
Russell M. Nelson

Let God Prevail

Apr 2020
Douglas D. Holmes

Deep in Our Heart


Oct 2019
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Your Great Adventure

Apr 2019
Dallin H. Oaks

Where Will This Lead?


Oct 2018
Dale G. Renlund

Choose You This Day


Oct 2017
W. Christopher Waddell

Turn to the Lord

Apr 2017
Weatherford T. Clayton

Our Father’s Glorious Plan


Oct 2016
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Fourth Floor, Last Door

Apr 2016
Robert D. Hales

The Holy Ghost

Apr 2016
Dallin H. Oaks

Opposition in All Things

Apr 2016
Thomas S. Monson



Oct 2015
Quentin L. Cook

Shipshape and Bristol Fashion: Be Temple Worthy—in Good Times and Bad Times

Apr 2015
Ulisses Soares

Yes, We Can and Will Win!

Apr 2015
Robert D. Hales

Preserving Agency, Protecting Religious Freedom

Apr 2015
L. Whitney Clayton

Choose to Believe


Oct 2014
Larry S. Kacher

Trifle Not with Sacred Things

Oct 2014
Carlos A. Godoy

The Lord Has a Plan for Us!

Oct 2014
Thomas S. Monson

Ponder the Path of Thy Feet

Oct 2014
D. Todd Christofferson

Free Forever, to Act for Themselves

Oct 2014
Quentin L. Cook

Choose Wisely

Apr 2014
Randall L. Ridd

The Choice Generation

Apr 2014
L. Tom Perry

Obedience through Our Faithfulness

Apr 2014
Robert D. Hales

“If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments”


Oct 2013
Russell M. Nelson

Decisions for Eternity

Apr 2013
Boyd K. Packer

These Things I Know

Apr 2013
L. Tom Perry

Obedience to Law Is Liberty


Oct 2012
Gary E. Stevenson

Be Valiant in Courage, Strength, and Activity

Apr 2012
Ulisses Soares

Abide in the Lord’s Territory!


Oct 2011
Randall K. Bennett

Choose Eternal Life

Apr 2011
Dallin H. Oaks



Oct 2010
Thomas S. Monson

The Three Rs of Choice

Oct 2010
Quentin L. Cook

Let There Be Light!

Oct 2010
Richard C. Edgley

Faith—the Choice Is Yours

Oct 2010
Boyd K. Packer

Cleansing the Inner Vessel

Oct 2010
Robert D. Hales

Agency: Essential to the Plan of Life


Oct 2009
D. Todd Christofferson

Moral Discipline

Apr 2009
José A. Teixeira

Gifts to Help Us Navigate Our Life


Apr 2007
Charles W. Dahlquist II

Who’s on the Lord’s Side?

Apr 2007
Robert D. Hales

To the Aaronic Priesthood: Preparing for the Decade of Decision


Oct 2006
David A. Bednar

And Nothing Shall Offend Them

Apr 2006
Robert D. Hales

To Act for Ourselves: The Gift and Blessings of Agency

Apr 2006
Wolfgang H. Paul

The Gift of Agency

Apr 2006
Gordon B. Hinckley

Seek Ye the Kingdom of God


Oct 2005
Richard G. Scott

Truth Restored

Oct 2005
Benjamín De Hoyos

True Happiness: A Conscious Decision

Oct 2005
Anne C. Pingree

Knowing the Lord’s Will for You

Oct 2005
Joseph B. Wirthlin

Journey to Higher Ground

Oct 2005
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Christlike Attributes—the Wind beneath Our Wings

Apr 2005
Russell M. Nelson

Now Is the Time to Prepare

Apr 2005
Neil L. Andersen

Beware of the Evil behind the Smiling Eyes


Oct 2004
Ronald T. Halverson

“I Stand at the Door, and Knock”

Oct 2004
Thomas S. Monson

Choose You This Day

Apr 2004
Richard G. Scott

How to Live Well amid Increasing Evil

Apr 2004
James E. Faust


Apr 2004
Dennis E. Simmons

But If Not …


Oct 2003
Joseph B. Wirthlin

Three Choices

Oct 2003
M. Russell Ballard

Let Our Voices Be Heard

Oct 2003
Bonnie D. Parkin

Choosing Charity: That Good Part

Oct 2003
Anne C. Pingree

Choose Ye Therefore Christ the Lord

Apr 2003
James E. Faust

The Devil’s Throat

Apr 2003
D. Rex Gerratt

Follow the Instructions


Apr 2002
Ben B. Banks

This Road We Call Life

Apr 2002
Thomas S. Monson

Pathways to Perfection


Oct 2001
Gordon B. Hinckley

The Times in Which We Live

Oct 2001
Neal A. Maxwell

The Seventh Commandment: A Shield

Oct 2001
Henry B. Eyring


Oct 2001
Wayne S. Peterson

Our Actions Determine Our Character

Oct 2001
L. Whitney Clayton

“Help Thou Mine Unbelief”

Oct 2001
Robert D. Hales

Fulfilling Our Duty to God


Oct 2000
D. Todd Christofferson

The Redemption of the Dead and the Testimony of Jesus

Oct 2000
Virginia U. Jensen

“Lead, Kindly Light”

Oct 2000
F. Enzio Busche

Freedom “from” or Freedom “to”

Apr 2000
Margaret D. Nadauld

Stand as a Witness


Oct 1999
L. Aldin Porter

Our Destiny

Oct 1999
Richard G. Scott

He Lives

Oct 1999
Sharon G. Larsen

Agency—A Blessing and a Burden

Oct 1999
L. Tom Perry

A Year of Jubilee

Apr 1999
Keith B. McMullin

Welcome Home


Oct 1998
Thomas S. Monson

Today Determines Tomorrow

Oct 1998
Richard G. Scott

The Power of Righteousness

Oct 1998
David B. Haight

Sustaining the Prophets

Oct 1998
Neal A. Maxwell

Hope through the Atonement of Jesus Christ

Apr 1998
Joseph B. Wirthlin

The Time to Prepare

Apr 1998
L. Tom Perry

The Articles of Faith

Apr 1998
James E. Faust

“Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart”

Apr 1998
James E. Faust

How Near to the Angels

Apr 1998
Richard E. Cook

Christ Can Change Human Behavior

Apr 1998
Lynn G. Robbins

Agency and Anger


Oct 1997
James E. Faust

The Weightier Matters of the Law: Judgment, Mercy, and Faith

Oct 1997
Russell M. Nelson

Spiritual Capacity

Oct 1997
Richard B. Wirthlin

Four Absolute Truths Provide an Unfailing Moral Compass

Oct 1997
Virginia U. Jensen

Creating Places of Security

Apr 1997
Henry B. Eyring

Finding Safety in Counsel

Apr 1997
Bonnie D. Parkin

Finding Faith in Every Footstep

Apr 1997
Fono Lavatai

A Righteous Choice


Oct 1996
Gordon B. Hinckley

“This Thing Was Not Done in a Corner”

Oct 1996
Chieko N. Okazaki

Raised in Hope

Oct 1996
Neal A. Maxwell

“According to the Desire of [Our] Hearts”

Apr 1996
Russell M. Nelson

“Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods”

Apr 1996
Rulon G. Craven


Apr 1996
Gordon B. Hinckley

Stand True and Faithful

Apr 1996
Richard G. Scott

Finding Joy in Life


Oct 1995
Richard G. Scott

Trust in the Lord

Oct 1995
Henry B. Eyring

To Touch a Life with Faith

Oct 1995
James E. Faust

Acting for Ourselves and Not Being Acted Upon

Apr 1995
Gordon B. Hinckley

This Work Is Concerned with People

Apr 1995
Richard G. Scott

Finding Forgiveness

Apr 1995
Dallin H. Oaks

Apostasy and Restoration

Apr 1995
M. Russell Ballard

Answers to Life’s Questions

Apr 1995
Thomas S. Monson

A Time to Choose


Oct 1994
Russell M. Nelson

The Spirit of Elijah

Oct 1994
Richard G. Scott

Making the Right Choices

Oct 1994
Michaelene P. Grassli

Helping Children Know Truth from Error

Oct 1994
Gordon B. Hinckley

Don’t Drop the Ball

Apr 1994
Boyd K. Packer

The Father and the Family

Apr 1994
Ruth B. Wright

Teaching Children to Walk Uprightly before the Lord

Apr 1994
Gerald E. Melchin



Oct 1993
L. Tom Perry

“Choose the Right”


Oct 1992
Richard G. Scott

Healing Your Damaged Life

Oct 1992
Aileen H. Clyde

Confidence through Conversion


Oct 1990
Boyd K. Packer


Oct 1990
Russell M. Nelson


Oct 1990
Marion D. Hanks

Changing Channels

Oct 1990
Marvin J. Ashton

A Pattern in All Things

Apr 1990
Kenneth Johnson

The Motorcycle Ride

Apr 1990
Robert D. Hales

The Aaronic Priesthood: Return with Honor

Apr 1990
M. Russell Ballard

Small and Simple Things

Apr 1990
H. Burke Peterson

Preparing the Heart

Apr 1990
Hans B. Ringger

“Choose You This Day”


Oct 1989
Howard W. Hunter

The Golden Thread of Choice

Apr 1989
Boyd K. Packer

To Young Women and Men

Apr 1989
Dallin H. Oaks

Alternate Voices


Oct 1988
Robert D. Hales

Making Righteous Choices at the Crossroads of Life

Oct 1988
Michaelene P. Grassli

I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me

Oct 1988
Russell M. Nelson

Addiction or Freedom

Apr 1988
Boyd K. Packer

Atonement, Agency, Accountability


Oct 1987
Glenn L. Pace

“They’re Not Really Happy”


Oct 1986
Marion D. Hanks

“I Will Look unto the Lord”


Apr 1985
Victor L. Brown

Agency and Accountability


Oct 1983
Marion D. Hanks

Agency and Love

Oct 1983
Elaine A. Cannon

Agency and Accountability

Apr 1983
Boyd K. Packer

Agency and Control


Oct 1980
Rex D. Pinegar

Decide to Decide

Apr 1980
Dean L. Larsen

Self-Accountability and Human Progress


Oct 1979
L. Tom Perry

Making the Right Decisions


Oct 1978
Spencer W. Kimball

Privileges and Responsibilities of Sisters

Oct 1978
Dean L. Larsen

Faith, Courage, and Making Choices

Apr 1978
Eldred G. Smith



Apr 1977
L. Tom Perry

“But Be Ye Doers of the Word”


Apr 1976
Charles A. Didier

The Value of People

Apr 1976
Henry D. Taylor

The Right to Choose

Apr 1976
Boyd K. Packer

Spiritual Crocodiles


Apr 1975
Delbert L. Stapley

Using Our Free Agency


Oct 1973
Mark E. Petersen

“What Will a Man Give?”

Oct 1973
Harold B. Lee

Understanding Who We Are Brings Self-Respect

Apr 1973
N. Eldon Tanner

“Thou Mayest Choose for Thyself”

Apr 1973
John H. Vandenberg

The Agency of Man


Apr 1972
Harold B. Lee

The Strength of the Priesthood

Apr 1972
Harold B. Lee

A Time of Decision


Oct 1971
ElRay L. Christiansen

The Sifting

Oct 1971
Alvin R. Dyer

The Nobility of Man in Choosing Good over Evil

Oct 1971
Eldred G. Smith


Apr 1971
N. Eldon Tanner

“Choose You This Day”